2019-01-17 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

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As the alt media delves into the pits of clickbait headlines, a cesspit of stupidity and irresponsibility, littered with fear and doom porn of where all going to die of 5G, which is the latest fear laden drama to focus and hold attentions, much like the chemtrails previously, or CERN, H1N1, Ebola, throw in Nibiru, Yellowstone, the suns going to die or send radiation and the pole shifts, shake them up and they always come …




Hosted by Thomas Williams, January 17, 2019

1 The Island Awaits You by Steve Jablonsky 00:00:14
2 The Song Remains The Same 00:10:06
3 Lily Allen – Fuck you 00:51:26
4 Poison – Stand 01:26:55
5 Whitesnake – Judgement Day 01:32:00
6 Guns N Roses – Civil War 02:08:43
7 Highly Suspect – My Name Is Human Audio Only 02:53:28
THI Show