Join us this Saturday for TPC Solutions Zoom 7.0


September 11th at 2:00 PM EDT

Join us this Sunday to celebrate Tiny’s 9th anniversary as a show host!

July 31th at 2:00 PM EDT

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NEW RELEASE! The long-awaited, “From His Story to Our Story Vol. 1” e-book and PDF, and NEW SOFTCOVER version now available for purchase in the THI bookstore. The first in a 5-part series. Click on the image to get your copy today. Softcover now available!

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The Truth, Honor & Integrity show host Thomas Williams has no affiliations and is one of the last remaining independent researchers whose visionary work has changed many lives for the better through his weekly shows.

With 6 years of shows under our belt, THI-show has become a hard-hitting, dot-connecting database for the sincere seeker of truth. Home to over 300, 3-hour episodes of exposes, intel pieces, op-eds, true history (Our story) of human origins, disclosures, bombshells and whistleblowing that reveals the dark agendas on our planet, one is hard pressed to find a more thorough source of information across all spectrums (and dimensions). But that’s not all…the shows provide forward-thinking, common-sense solutions to the issues we all face:  For the people, by the people to empower us all to create a better world in our image. We know that’s a bold statement. It’s all in the name-Truth, Honor & Integrity.

2024-07-06 – THI Special – Unity – The pathway to redemption

Summary Walking in the shadow of the blues, is an important clue to this show. By the end of it our focus is, walking as an equal to march this planet and its differing human races onto a better path. There are times in life where you have to take a leap of faith to...

2024-07-02 – THI Special – The true horrors of the world Part 2

Summary This is Part 2 of this series called The true horrors of the World. In part 1 we heard some very gruesome stories that could literally turn the stomach. Many of you wrote to me with your own personal stories and I managed to check in with a few of you by...

2024-06-18 – FHSTOS – Plus 25 – The Vedas Part 5

Summary This is part 5 of this fascinating series called the Vedas, six with the story of the Aryans that kicked off this series, with focus on the Rus, Slavs and Aryan peoples of the past. Their ways, morals, principles and look at life from a very simplistic and...

2024-06-11 – THI Special – The true horrors of the world Part 1

Summary This will not be an easy show to read and certainly not to hear either. But after holding onto this document for around 8 years now, it is time to release it in its full gory details. I held onto it as I thought our members would not be ready for this, and...

2024-02-20 – FHSTOS – Plus 24 – The Vedas Part 4

Summary This is our latest addition to the FHSTOS series, Plus 24 The Vedas part four. Another long and packed show ready to tingle your brain cells, spill them on the floor a bit. Keep the faith is often related to religion in their world, but we at THI know it is...

2023-11-28 – FHSTOS – Plus 23 – The Vedas Part 3

Summary This is part three of the Vedas, in previous episodes we have covered the whole gamut of what we know at THI as the Rus. But the Rus are also the Aryans, the Slavs, the Brits, the Irish, the Scandinavian, the Germans, the Iranians, Pakistanis and many more. A...

2023-10-31 – FHSTOS – Plus 22 – The Vedas Part 2

Summary Following on from our trilogy in August, where we did a piece about the Rus in the expose part of our THI show and then followed it up with FHSTOS Plus 20 with the story of the Aryans. The third part was FHSTOS Plus 21 and our longest ever show in terms of...

2023-08-29 – FHSTOS – Plus 21 – The Vedas, Rus and URS

Summary This will be the longest show in terms of words in THI our story, so buckle up and enjoy the ride. Having covered the Aryan narrative in FHSTOS Plus 20, that told the more modern story of the Aryans, this show goes back in time again and reveals more of the...

2023-08-06 Thomas and Roger on the Fair Parenting podcast

The Fair Parenting PodcastLaw: Thomas Williams And Roger Isaacs Discuss The THI Show And Their New Blueprint 25August 6th, 2023 Download mp3 (in...

2023-07-22 – FHSTOS – Plus 20 – The story of the Aryans

Summary One of the greatest conspiracies and indeed tricks played on humanity that came out of World War 2. Was the great cover up and subsequent denigration of a whole group of peoples, perpetrated by those who have plagued this world and many others for hundreds of...
THI Show