Join us this Saturday for TPC Solutions Zoom 7.0
September 11th at 2:00 PM EDT
Join us this Sunday to celebrate Tiny’s 9th anniversary as a show host!
July 31th at 2:00 PM EDT
NEW RELEASE! The long-awaited, “From His Story to Our Story Vol. 1” e-book and PDF, and NEW SOFTCOVER version now available for purchase in the THI bookstore. The first in a 5-part series. Click on the image to get your copy today. Softcover now available!
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The Truth, Honor & Integrity show host Thomas Williams has no affiliations and is one of the last remaining independent researchers whose visionary work has changed many lives for the better through his weekly shows.
With 6 years of shows under our belt, THI-show has become a hard-hitting, dot-connecting database for the sincere seeker of truth. Home to over 300, 3-hour episodes of exposes, intel pieces, op-eds, true history (Our story) of human origins, disclosures, bombshells and whistleblowing that reveals the dark agendas on our planet, one is hard pressed to find a more thorough source of information across all spectrums (and dimensions). But that’s not all…the shows provide forward-thinking, common-sense solutions to the issues we all face: For the people, by the people to empower us all to create a better world in our image. We know that’s a bold statement. It’s all in the name-Truth, Honor & Integrity.