2022-03-10 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show


TPC Positive Action Monthly Recap February 2022 TPC Positive Actions decided to adopt a cooperative self-management structure.  Team leaders will rotate according to the task at hand, as the group is eager to fulfill the TPC ideals through actioning a cooperative team model.  The group co-wrote an 11-point meeting guideline. 




Hosted by Thomas Williams, March 10, 2022

1 10 Seconds Countdown Timer With Voice And GO! 00:02
2 Bucks Fizz – New Beginning 01:17
3 ABBA – I Still Have Faith In You 16:51
4 Edwin Starr – War 54:46
5 Ruelle – Secrets and Lies 90:57
6 Matt Redmond – Let my people go 124:01
7 Styx – Grand Illusion 148:33
8 Glory, Glory Hallelujah 184:13
THI Show