2024-11-16 – THI Special – Open Zoom presentation

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Given the cross-referencing & corroborating information from Origins & Oracles, the Cosmic Genetics Shows, and the Slavic Aryan Vedas, we are finally able… after thousands of years… to begin reassembling the broken fragments of history into a coherent sequence. We already made a start at this in Part 3, when we reassembled this rough sketch of the timeline of events starting at just over 40,000 years ago. Given what we’re going to cover here in Part 6, we are not only able to add greater context… but to reconstruct the earliest, front-end section of our timeline. As stated before, most of us have encountered scraps of this information along the way, seen & heard disparate bits & pieces of it here and there… but the time has come for us to continue reassembling it all in one place. How fascinating it is to gain further clarity by updating this timeline of ancient events that has up until now been hidden from us. This is going to be a rush of information, and once again we are going to be thinking-big.

Part 6A download (10.7 GB)*
* beware, very large file

THI Show