2018-03-15 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

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*Operation stupidity failed again on Monday, this coming after another fund transfer of $100M was accepted and cleared through the banks, but rogue elements asked them to hold it until Monday, so they can act stupid again and again fail to deliver anything. *Operation stupidity was held over again to Wednesday and failed again, there was frequent attempts to hack the system and all failed again, the funds held in account since last thursday remains …




Hosted by Thomas Williams, March 15, 2018

1 STOP_HAMMER_TIME[Mp3Converter.net] 00:00:14
2 Ozzy_osbourne_CrazyTrain_Lyrics[Mp3Converter.net] 00:00:20
3 The Voice NEW 2014 Amazing Audition – Stick it up your ass! 00:04:55
4 Tomorrow belongs to me HQ (HD restored Audio) der morgige Tag ist mein 00:45:14
5 Bye_Bye_Babylon_-_Cryoshell_-_Lyrics[Mp3Converter.net] 00:48:09
6 The Hollies – He Aint Heavy Hes My Brother 01:28:22
7 Closer_To_The_Truth_-_Cryoshell_-_Lyrics[Mp3Converter.net] 02:37:12
THI Show