2018-11-15 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

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Trump Putin meeting was cancelled due to take place last Sunday, stringent efforts were made to keep them apart in any functions or ceremonies, seems the old control system is a little freaked by them joining up. Seems they are getting a taste of their own popular medicine called FEAR. You will hear more about Russian collusion now, but it is not related to any elections, and everything to do with the two countries working …




Hosted by Thomas Williams, November 15, 2018

1 4 Non Blondes – Whats Up 00:00:17
2 The Voice NEW 2014 Amazing Audition – Stick it up your ass! 00:05:08
3 Ozzy_osbourne_CrazyTrain_Lyrics[Mp3Converter.net] 00:44:36
4 Lyrics_to_Creed_-_Faceless_Man[Mp3Converter.net] 01:21:16
5 Status Quo – Is There a Better Way 02:02:35
6 World Five for fighting 02:46:03
THI Show