2019-10-01 – From His Story to Our Story – Part 7


First we had the Thule and the Aldebarans, with SSP working with two groups within Germany SS and a main body behind that group, as I understand Hitler was not in the original inner circle, that was Himmler, Hess, Mengele.  First off I am not suggesting for one second that Hitler was good in anyway shape or form, but as an analyst of information that stands away from the narrative and looks at things objectively of does this make sense? something’s connected to the Germans and in particular Hitler, do not make much sense based on the narrative, we have been given. 




Hosted by Thomas Williams, October 1, 2019

1 The Clash London Calling 00:40
2 Omkara Remember 37:59
3 Disturbed   The Sound of Silence 84:27
4 Metallica The Unforgiven 128:44
5 Talking Heads Psycho Killer 146:29
6 Culture Club Church Of The Poison Mind 185:09
7 You’ve been THUNDERSTRUCK 214:41
8 AC/DC – Problem Child 215:34
THI Show