2019-11-07 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

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2019 predictions were consolidation and validation tonights show brings both into full view. Anyone else notice the dearth of actual news in MSM, now why is that? because they are losing the narrative heavily, and I mean heavily, too many now are working out their scripted drama drivel, and speaking out against them. Fox has 2.6M viewers primetime, MSNBC 1.9M and CNN 1.25M, 5.75M out of population of 330M bit sad that really since all …




Hosted by Thomas Williams, November 07, 2019

1 Guns N Roses Welcome to the Jungle Lyrics.mp4 00:00:11
2 Rachel Kays – Bring It On 00:13:16
3 hey, teacher 00:48:47
4 Highly Suspect My Name Is Human Audio Only 00:53:18
5 Britney Spears Oops!…I Did It Again (With Lyrics) 01:26:57
6 The Pretenders Ill Stand By You 01:30:24
7 Love Is The Answer England Dan & John Ford Coley Lyrics 02:15:38
8 Disturbed_ _The_Sound_of_Silence_Lyrics[Mp3Converter.net] 02:52:12
9 Its all inside of you with Lyrics 03:03:13
THI Show