2020-10-01 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

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I will be disturbing the sounds of Silence this evening, as frankly I have had enough of the bullshit, after what happened with my dad recently and some recent podcasts elsewhere, then throw in the frankly awful show I had to do on Tuesday, enough is enough and we need to get realistic and back on track. A strange week in so many ways I wrote 3 shows this week alone, one we had on …




Hosted by Thomas Williams, October 01, 2020

1 10 Seconds Countdown Timer With Voice And GO! 00:00:02
2 Disturbed_ _The_Sound_of_Silence_Lyrics[Mp3Converter.net] 00:01:00
3 Brotherhood of Man United We Stand 00:08:36
4 Depeche Mode People Are People 00:51:37
5 Men at Work Down Under 01:32:01
6 Ruelle Hold Your Breath (Lyrics) 01:45:57
7 Creed Whos Got My Back Now 02:34:01
8 Lamb Wise Enough 02:52:30
THI Show