From His Story to Our Story, Vol. 5
Where do we come from? That question encompasses not only the origin of each one of us and of our species, but of the planet, the universe, and of the very existence of existence itself. Volume 5 of From His Story to Our Story reveals astonishingly comprehensive answers found in the Slavic Aryan Vedas, texts that come from a time we have been told we were mere Stone-Age ape-men. Rediscover the knowledge of our ancestors of how we came to be and how to live to our highest potentials for the good of us all.
From His Story to Our Story, Vol. 4
Why are white peoples described as Indo-European, Eurasian, or Caucasian? Why is the Out-of-Africa theory of human evolution on this planet perpetuated despite mountains of evidence that refute it? Why is the origin of the Aryan peoples considered an unsolved mystery? Volume 4 of From His Story to Our Story reveals the reason behind the obfuscation and lies, and uncovers shocking predictions in ancient writings. Are you ready for truth?
From His Story to Our Story, Vol. 3
From His Story to Our Story Volumes 1 and 2 have revealed one group of players, distinguishing them from those they hide behind, with proof readily found by anyone who dares to investigate. Volume 3 reveals an even more secretive faction. Perhaps of greater importance, this volume shows the motives behind the activities of these people, complete with quotes from individuals and scriptures that state, outright, their malevolent intentions.
From His Story to Our Story, Vol. 2
Where Volume 1 of From His Story to Our Story dealt primarily with the distant past, Volume 2 examines more recent events and characters and reveals what the headlines and the history books did not tell us about the world we live in.
paperback version $19.99

From His Story to Our Story, Vol. 1
From His Story to Our Story takes the reader through layers of current (false) his-story written and rewritten by those in power, to reveal our hidden history for all willing to accept reality. Thomas Williams unveils what has long been suppressed to expose what lies beyond the smoke and mirrors. Volume 1 in the series begins many thousands of years ago in the ancient lands of the Rus, where star gates and interplanetary travel were common-until the wars began.
ebook & PDF version $5.99