2021-01-28 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary This week marks the 3rd anniversary of the sovereignty letter issued to Mr. Trump on January 27th. Much has passed since then and things did not improve, only got much worse, particularly since last March. How different things would it be if that document was...

2021-02-18 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Left its seeds while I was, sleeping – People talking without speaking – People hearing without listening – Silence like a cancer grows – But my words, like silent raindrops fell and echoed, in the wells, of silence – And the people bowed and prayed to the...

2021-02-25 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Welcome to the THI Love train, a diet buster and a sleep apnea cure show.  A fairly full show tonight that is both affirming and confirming in so many ways, plenty of questions and ponderings, and an overriding message of what we all have to do.Downloads MP3...

2021-03-11 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary This is a common sense show, as the rest of the world including alt media, appears to have none. Distractions are everywhere as the clowns dance around wondering what to do next.  The latest is the fake Royals interview, and all the bot people rush to speak...

2021-03-25 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary I hope you all got much out of the Expose 8 show we did on Tuesday, there is a follow up of information to that in this show, work on FRWL Plus 7 is at an advanced stage and will be ready in a week or so’s time. Downloads MP3 Transcript[spreaker type=player...

2021-04-01 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary As we exit the March madness and into April it is now time for us all to turn the page. April Fool was canceled today after it was decided their was enough tricksters, clownery, rank stupidity and covidiots for the previous 12 months without extending it to a...

2021-04-08 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary This coming Tuesday will reveal Part 7 of our From Russia with Love Plus series, it will be at the usual time and it will reveal much. A family is thrown off a Spirit Airlines flight from Orlando to NY because their two-year-old child is eating without a mask...

2021-04-15 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Thanks to all the people who have joined the TPC site, apologies I have not been able to engage as yet, and iron out a few glitches here and there. Hoping towards the end of next week to get that up and running and ensure we start it all off on the right foot....

2021-06-03 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary This show is brought to you by common sense, co-sponsored by non John Hopkins math, free of voyeuristic pets, a free show full of relevant information and truth, and delivered by a tiny man who curiously disturbs many so called el-ites and alt media people to...

2021-06-10 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Two worlds collide, echoes much of our show, rival nations, rivals we are but nations original meant races, so two worlds collide between rival races now will make much more sense to you all. It’s a primitive clash, venting years of frustrations, primitive in...

2021-06-17 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Having spent a week playing the knight in the shining Ford flex here are some other developments. Further developments on the TPC village with now two lots under contract and the first house purchase is underway, one more has committed to the land and home in...

2021-06-24 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary After the explosive show from Tuesday, we will carry on this show in similar mode, calling it as it is. We will not be making up intel for clickbait, not be recycling old news and passing off as new, and will not be making any extraordinary claims of our own...

2021-07-29 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Following a lovely trip with lovely people in Utah and coming from other states this week it is refreshing to see again, how all members get on so well with each other, this bucks the trend of how things work outside of our group. Wracked with infighting, and...

2021-08-05 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Update on the village a sixth committed to land purchase contract by THI members has been done this week, as momentum on that project grows. Another member is moving to the town this week with a view to also joining the village maybe early next year, so that...

2021-08-12 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Here are the links for the donations to the TPC, Communal Gatherings and myself given some people have been having difficulties locating them. For those on our social media pages they are posted every week all the links on the show post. Donations for the TPC...

2021-08-19 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary A point to remember, a mask is not a scientific object, it is the new religious garment for cult members who worship state backed pseudoscience.  I am detecting a bit of nervousness amongst some members, in alignment with what is being reported by MSM news and...

2021-08-26 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary A fairly breathless week for myself and the final show of this month, of what has been a whirlwind epic of a month for THI/TPC and also in my private life. It has been a busy month for me, and an even busier time expected next month also.  Update on the land...

2021-09-02 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Welcome to the show that turns conspiracy theories into facts, the show were predictions actually come true, what a novel concept that is within alt media circles. A show that asks you to think and act for yourself, a show that reveals you are the savior, not...

2021-09-09 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Message to Colleen, THI is with you and always will be, stay strong with us all.  Anyone else noticed yet that Insurance companies are adding a Covid insurance onto home Insurance premiums? My bill was an extra $400 to cover for Covid infections, did anyone...

2021-09-23 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary And so we begin again lots in tonight’s show including a World Exclusive to look forward to, which will no doubt trigger certain people and cause some angst.  With 6 land lots now in the hands of THI members, 4 more expected to follow within a month and others...

2021-05-13 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary The usual comprehensive round up of news and views around the world, exposes, insights, intel, ponderings and a “tiny” heap of common sense prevails, designed to make you think for yourselves and act accordingly.Downloads MP3 Transcript[spreaker type=player...

2021-07-15 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Tonight’s show will be dominated again by similar themes and threads that has ran through the THI shows. They are pieces we have warned about long before they unfolded, and are repeated with unerring regularity, one would suspect the stories are hand picked by...

2021-11-11 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Nothings in the past it always seems to come again, indeed and that is what we have to stop. Cry out to legions of the brave, Time again to save us from the jackals of the street Ride out, protectors of the realm, Captain’s at the helm, sail across the sea of...

2021-11-18 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Saturday’s show was a tough show to do, and finally after over 18 months I got to unburden it. Not all will be happy with it, even now, but I am not here to tell what you want to hear, just tell you what you need to hear. That is the main difference between...

2021-12-18 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Well I got a break, but prefer to not have that type of break to be honest, but suspect it is what was needed as we have an important phase coming up now.  It is vital all pay attention to it, particularly the end piece tonight, just maybe our time has arrived...

2021-10-02 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Before we get into tonight’s show, there is an important addition to the show I must cover as things are so fluid now, and information is coming in from many angles.  There is an important document just released by Canadian government about a new Emergency...

2021-10-14 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show


2021-10-28 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary These are the most extraordinary times ever in our lifetime, there is no doubt about that.  It is not a cure if people are dying, it’s not research if people are deleting or banning opposing views, it’s not data if the adverse reactions and deaths are being...

2021-11-04 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Darren who wrote and plays the We Are The 99% that was a popular THI theme tune early days, is releasing the record hoping for a worldwide Christmas No. 1.  Our member Paul Smith is helping him with the promotion and we would love to get some remixes if any...

2021-11-25 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Happy thanks for the giving, lets all learn to give in a non comparative way. Werrrlll I have been pondering again lol, this will be an important show, and perhaps reveals the coming of certain events.  I am requesting all the former THI state groups to join...

2021-12-02 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary The work on the indexing and solutions from our show goes on in the background, those doing it have all mentioned the same thing, omg Thomas warned us so far back what would unfold, indeed.  Everything you needed to know was all in the past shows, particularly...

THI Show