2022-08-04 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Volume 1 is being translated into Hebrew and other translations are in progress, Volume 2 is revised, and questions have been sent to Thomas. Copyright query is being studied for Part 9, which will now be in Volume 5. The editing of Cosmic Genetics has begun...

2022-07-28 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary On Saturday I attended two zooms, the first one was the FHSTOS book.We decided to formulate the forthcoming books of Volume 2 through to Volume 5.Having done the first 4 parts of the show in Volume 1, of which the PDF version is now available on THI-show.com,...

2022-07-21 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Some very interesting and revealing pieces in our show this week, as you will see. Mask man went close to naming our show last week. President Biden visiting Israel last week, added yet another entry to his long list of gaffes, mistakenly saying we must keep...

2022-06-23 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary A recent post and podcast inspired these comments, and it is an important reminder. The post said that Military Tribunals start next week courtesy of Dr. Fuellmich, oh dear. Alt Media hopium has been ran for 2 decades, starting with Wilcock and mass arrests in...

2017-09-14 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary * As forecasted on this show they increased debt ceiling again and kicked the can down the road to oblivion a further 3 months, Well some deal made about increasing the debt ceiling and funding for hurricanes to FEMA Inc. an American NGO, It is not a federal...

2019-10-03 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary From one of the members Gemma. I noticed that a carpet shop opposite where my children go to gymnastics class had the paedophile triangle incorporated into its advertising splashed across its frontage, I finally plucked up the courage to say something one day...

2018-03-29 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *On Friday 15000 pages of documents went out to each bank with names, type and level of fraud committed and all the crimes - fulcrum file time, also sent out was full proof trust holds all the accounts and assets contained, like the banks capital and all their...

2020-12-17 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary So, what do we have for tonight? well quite a varied and in some ways different show, more revealings exposes bits of intel scattered about the show and a laugh in some parts, a variety show to tickle all the emotions. I feel, sense and see a sense of circling...

2017-08-10 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary sol diers sacrificial lambs to the slaughter for their bogus solar god In 1921 the deceptive corporate “Congress” abdicated its duty to control the money and turned it over to the Holy See’s Federal Reserve System to be the Fiscal Agent of the United States...

2019-11-14 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary A week where another alt media clown exposed their own level of stupidity, Kent Dunn the latest, no longer has Drake to share the load of drivel each week, now asking for funds to send onto the Draco and they will return your soul. Now there is a man he doesnt...

2019-04-18 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Israels moon mission that went badly wrong described as a technical glitch, it was shot down by the space fleet(not the alliance or SSp) as it was carrying cargo not deemed suitable, any other attempts of that nature will be met with same response. The wheel...

2017-10-05 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Rothschilds have threatened miss manna and others with the team, offering $1.5B for someone to snatch her and the team, reason being is we wont sign off on their USN scheme, another load of fiat bsery and more debt based currency to sink everyone further. This...

2018-09-20 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *With all the new listeners and new members I would like to welcome to our group, this group will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Many of you will have been brought up on the RV, Nesara, Gesara, crypto currencies and blockchain, plus...

2018-12-20 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *Clowns spent all weekend coming up with various lets continue the old failed program schemes, by Monday they all crashed and burned - oops *On Monday the Federal Reserve rocked up to The Treasury along with people from The White House, Pentagon, agencies and...

2019-03-21 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary A source within the British government has notified the ITCCS that its Field Secretary, Kevin Annett, is facing imminent arrest and incarceration anywhere in Canada or England because of the actions of a state-funded group known as the "International Tribunal...

2017-10-19 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Whole world in current turmoil not just America, conventional wars, weather wars and mind wars all ongoing at the same time. Then we have the factions war ongoing, which whilst bringing the alt media confirmations of alleged conspiracies, is also adding to the...

2017-12-14 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *watch for events unfolding in Alabama, all is not what it seems, think fraud *New York event was as predictable as night following day, 2 reasons Iraq announced the end of ISIS control and financial failures reared up again, both are connected with NY being...

2017-10-26 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *Ann droid still hiding out in the UK and being heavily protected by Knights of Malta, but never one to miss an opportunity, Ann and the house of lords are trying to takeover the UK all designed to keep the Rothschilds in the game. UK media and propaganda unit...

2019-08-08 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Welcome to one and all including the people who dissect the show each week, like our members I know how they cant wait for this show each week, they get all giddy at the prospect of a new show, not surprisingly now they talk of Thomas has a point there to be...

2017-09-21 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary We live in a very sad world where everything is inverted, love turns to hate, admiration turns to envy, strength turns into insecurity and caring for people is perceived as a sign of weakness or worse an opportunity to play on them. Caring for people with no...

2018-10-25 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *The Saudi Arabia story and the killing of the journalist Mr. Khashoggi. Some people with the US Military with full knowledge of the details of what took place with Mr. Khashoggi, arranged a deal whereby the the US would receive a $2T pay out to cover up the...

2017-09-28 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary An ultimatum went out following the threats issued by the Rothschilds during the UN meeting recently, whereby if the countries of the UN did not install them as the controllers of the UN by the next meeting, they would launch germ warfare genocide on the whole...

2020-03-19 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary To the show hosts and guests who were on my show and who have walked away, I thank you for engaging me on our journey. Now was your time to leave I guess, one always hoped we would join forces together in a more permanent action, but it was not to be, and so I...

2018-05-17 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *Djinns, greys all appeared to me on my trip recently, I went to deliver a message and they came out in good numbers, the sight of the dark djinns coming out in not in black form but grey is a sign to me once I had time to ponder on it, that things are really...

2019-05-23 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary members joining fb no profiles sometimes not being added to the groups. This is something we check on as admins of THI, not all are let in the group, so if you feel you have been blocked from joining THI and your FB profile is limited, then send us an email of...

2020-10-15 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary In the recent show called DONE I asked a question about the costing of the sleeping bags and I have received a satisfactory explanation for the gap in cost and donations, and so I am happy to strike that question not statement from further discourse, and move...

2019-02-07 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary Theme for this week will be contradictions, actual thinking not just the headline, deep ponderings, thought processes of yourself and those around you, leader or follower, I or we, are you helping or hindering, are you empowering or disempowering? The ability...

2019-10-31 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary We wont be fooled again, tonight will reveal so much more so we wont be fooled again, ignorance then is a choice. The night where the dark call in the demons and using children to do so with clever marketing ploys, will become our night to stamp them out and...

2018-08-16 – THI Show – Truth, Honor & Integrity Show

Summary *Some people have said our show is too long and should be shortened, some said there is too much information, some want it longer, some want it more frequent and a case of cant please all of the people all of the time. We cover many topics each week and from...

THI Show