The second report from the MSM of all people who finally highlights one of our biggest problems. This problem is what hampers us the most and leads to division and a complete lack of unity amongst us. The issue is selfishness, which is totally service to self and you will never go forward in soul development with that trait. Perhaps this piece can be called, What is selfishness?

The MSM wrote: “People choose to be ignorant so they can act selfishly, suggests a new study. When given the choice to learn how their actions will affect someone else, four out of 10 adults chose ignorance to allow them an excuse to act selfishly, according to the research.

This plays into what I was saying about walking in other people’s shoes. We get that wrapped up with ourselves, that the feeling, wishes or needs of others is rarely considered. Ultimately this hampers any chance of unity.

But psychologists also found people were more likely to be generous to someone else, when they were told the consequences of their choice, compared to when they were allowed to remain ignorant.

But why does every interaction have to be explained? Why are we not able to think for ourselves? Some people have asked me to do a What is unity piece, again why should you need me to tell you that? This is part of the problem in and of itself, get others to do things for you and by and large most people don’t even realize they are doing it.

It is ironic that selfishness is all about the self, yet too many won’t think for themselves? What is even more ironic in terms of that is, why won’t people help themselves where it matters? Like shadow and inner work, like soul development work, like learning new skills, because they are all about the self are they not? The reason why is, people don’t get recognition, likes, followers or shekels for those tasks. Hence they are stuck in the exterior materialistic world, not the advanced spiritual world.

Study lead author Linh Vu said: Examples of such willful ignorance abound in everyday life, such as when consumers ignore information about the problematic origins of the products they buy. We wanted to know just how prevalent and how harmful willful ignorance is, as well as why people engage in it.

Willful ignorance is a choice, again it is selfish and also brings in other bad trait of humans, laziness and the lack of personal responsibility. This has hampered us all tremendously on a massive scale, that too few will have the courage to point out. We are all content to sit back and point fingers away from us, but only the few will point fingers at themselves. The most prominent example of willful ignorance is the 1% issue, of how somehow the 1% are responsible for all the ills of the world, you want to know why? Because the 99% did nothing except comply with it.

But it gets worse, as the very few way less than 1% of the 99% who were willing to step up and call it out, the 98% turned on them. They labeled them idiots, miscreants, delusional, psychotic, nuts and conspiracy theorists, the latter of which is ironic, because it was not a theory at all, but well researched and documented information. Something the MSM cannot supply. They put out statements only, devoid of facts and the stupid theorists (the people themselves) all support it like computerized bots. Why because of fear and only thinking of themselves.

Vu and her colleagues analyzed the results of 22 previous studies involving more than 6,500 participants. The studies were all conducted in research labs or online, and most followed a protocol in which some participants were told the consequences of their actions, while others could choose whether to learn the consequences or not. In one example, participants had to decide between receiving a smaller reward ($5) or a larger reward ($6).

Ah the shekel and seducement program, most people on this planet fall for every time.

If they chose $5, then an anonymous peer or charity would also receive $5. If they chose the larger $6 reward, however, the other recipient would receive only $1. One set of participants was offered the option to learn the consequences of their choice, while another group was automatically told the consequences. Across the studies, the researchers found that when given an option, 40 percent of people chose not to learn the consequences of their actions.

That is 40% who will not take or accept responsibility for their actions, those people act like Jewish EL-ites in overview.

The researchers said that willful ignorance was correlated with less altruism. Vu, a doctoral candidate at the University of Amsterdam in Holland, said: People were 15.6 percentage points more likely to be generous to someone else when they were told the consequences of their choice, compared with when they were allowed to remain ignorant. The researchers believe that one reason for willful ignorance might be, that some people behave altruistically because they want to maintain a positive self-image of being an altruistic person.

Which reveals that charity is done for the self-image only, and not in service to others. One is a payback system, one is a pay it forward system, the majority of people want a payback, which is selfish.

Vu said: In those cases, willful ignorance can allow them to maintain that self-image without having to act in an altruistic way. Study co-author Professor Shaul Shalvi, also of the University of Amsterdam, says the analysis of previous studies backed that up. He said: That’s because people who chose to learn the consequences of their action were seven percentage points more likely to be generous, compared with participants who were given information by default. That suggests that truly altruistic people choose to learn the consequences of their actions. He added: The findings are fascinating as they suggest a lot of the altruistic behaviors we observe, are driven by a desire to behave as others expect us to.

That is the peer pressure and the desire to be seen and heard for the ego only. An external desire to be approved and liked, when the altruism when done correctly is an inward approval of the self, without the need for external approval or gratification.

While most people are willing to do the right thing when they are fully informed of the consequences of their actions, this willingness is not always because people care for others.

Sadly that is 100% correct, we lack caring, sharing, understanding, love, support, cooperation and interest in each other. If that statement was not true, then the world would be a better place, except it is not. Unless of course you live in your own selfish illusionary bubble world. Message for those people who are the majority, all of your illusionary bubble worlds are about to be popped. You have all had fair warning of that, particularly since the advent of the internet in the middle 1990’s, but chose to willfully ignore the plight of others for selfish reasons.

A part of the reasons why people act altruistically is due to societal pressures, as well as their desire to view themselves in a good light. Since being righteous is often costly, demanding people to give up their time, money and effort, ignorance offers an easy way out.

Sadly that plays out even in THI, which is a micro to the macro of their world. Repeated attempts to get people involved in the Blueprint as led to frustrations within the few who did step up. A plethora of excuses just doesn’t wash, you are negating your responsibility to humanity when given the perfect situation to finally have a say and make a change in the world we all wish to see. There are no excuses for saving yourself, family, country, continent or planet, none.

The research team, whose findings were published in the journal Psychological Bulletin, said future studies should aim to examine willful ignorance in more diverse settings and to investigate ways of combatting such behavior.

Selfishness is anti-unity at a time when we have the greatest opportunity in history, for the people to bring about the seismic change this planet has needed for many thousands of years. Selfishness will never fix this planet or you. Selfishness will keep you in the astral harvesting center, as you can never, I repeat never enter the mental planes as a service to self being.

Selfishness is a part of our culture now and the majority can’t even see or recognize it, particularly within themselves. Many people give money to charities out of guilt, rather than being altruistic. Many people think because they give money they are then service to others, but this study reveals that is not the case and I agree. As an example, people gave money to the starving Africans, dusted their hands off and said I have done my bit, then ignored it. 40 years later, the Africans are still starving and the problem persists. So the giving of money, does not always indicate you are not selfish.

If you have to be forced, guilted or shamed into actions and not offer it freely, is also selfish. If you offer help or support and expect it in return, that is also selfish. The woe is me people who take up everyone’s time to listen to their whining, are also selfish people and harvesters. The sad balloon people of someone or something has always let them down and how they never have any luck, are also selfish as well. Asking other people to fix or save you, is also selfish as you are expecting them to use their life force energy for your benefit only. Alpha and Beta people are selfish, when you understand the flow of energy. People whose lives revolve around chasing shekels, is also selfish. People whose lives are based around being important are also selfish.

This group was tasked from the very beginning to think and act different, ask yourselves truthfully have you fulfilled that or have you been selfish from the examples above? If we are to be guardians and way shower’s, are we truly setting the right examples, if we are exhibiting selfishness in large or small doses? Remember from the Santies, the gods and the Cosmos only help those who genuinely help others. If you are waiting for the gods to return and they haven’t, perhaps it is because too many people are selfish? The gods and the Cosmos will not come to you operating in service to the self only.

The greatest damage of selfishness is, the lack of unity. A lack of unity has led to our downfall and those will continue to slide into the pit. Until you all realize only service to others and non-selfishness is adopted and adapted to. And remember, Unity is the pathway to redemption.

Left photo by Alex Block on Unsplash
Right photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
THI Show