I have expanded the original pieces to this, as a greater understanding by you all, is now prevalent. What is time? What is the time? How is time? When is time? When was time? All interesting questions and ponderings. We spoke in the Cosmic Genetics series about the Time Matrix, which in overview can be seen as ti-me. Tie me is a binding contract again, that has never served us all too well. Time like money, is a control system of harvesting, the syphoning of your life force energy by placing constraints upon you called time. Where they are shortening the time, whilst asking us to produce more via life force energy for them to harvest and collect the shekels. It is just a clock or is it a c-lock, another binding word. It is just a watch, but who is watching who? And why? Is it Greenwich or green witch mean time, does mean mean average is it just being mean or not nice to us. No one wants to go to prison to serve time, is serving time a dinner, a lord or a sentence. But words are also a sentence and so words become a prison unless you decode them. Has not life become a prison sentence without the authority bars version? Is not the worst prison, your own mind, that you must escape from? In essence time is the prison. Yes here comes some more brain twisting time, pardon the pun. But the lesson we must learn is, it is time for no time. The two worlds we spoke of in 2015 is now in clear view, we also spoke of 2020 the time people would "see", and those both now are prominent in our world, hence the AI based loop program of trying to change what is known as time, but ultimately time is an illusion of their world. As we go towards the anomaly or the event horizon, time changes due to dilation. What is a few seconds here, can be many years elsewhere. Essentially we are or hopefully were, governed by time, which means to bind when separated, tie me, time is and was the god in here, a control mechanism and also fear inducing concept. Why else would they call it Father Time? the depictions of father time look is all very Jesus or god like. A Jesus in an older form, man replete with a long beard, which is the same depiction of the Anunnaki is it not, perhaps they are one and the same? Remember we spoke of why the gods came here in FRWL series, they came to buy more time with the Elixir of Life, from the Milk Ocean that existed where the Himalayan mountains are now situated. The elites still do it, of attempting to cheat time and old age by consuming adrenochrome, it all boils down to gaining from time, so time becomes the god here, and wielded it's fear, power and control on us all. The religious orders all call god "The Father", so if god is the Father, who is Father Time? Chronos. Who or what is Chronos? In recent centuries he is usually depicted as an elderly bearded man, sometimes with wings, dressed in a robe and carrying a scythe and an hourglass or other timekeeping device (which represents time's constant one-way movement, and more generally and abstractly, entropy). Usually with wings, oh my, the new age and religious elements will all scream he is one of the angels, those who have researched properly will realize, it is the fake gods again, the Royal Anunnaki have wings, just saying. The man in a robe carrying a scythe is also a depiction of the Grim Reaper, the harvester of the grim people. Your Michael's, Azazel, Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel, Samael, Seraphim, Elohim and all others of that ilk all came out of the Talmud book, long before Christianity adopted the religion of the Hebrews. The Hebrews in human form on earth were the black Africans originally, the Hebrews now are the disciples of the Hebrew Anunnaki, playing the same war and same events of time out, like a loop. If these angels were so great, we are told an angel came to the entity known as Jesus before his alleged arrest, why didn't they save the alleged son of god? Why wouldn't god save his only son? does that really make any sense? Here is what does make sense of that analogy, because that is what it is. A misinterpretation of the narrative that is riddled with analogies in the so-called holy books. The real reason is because those gods in the past and also the bloodline families here on Earth, all sacrifice their first born is why, the other entities worshipped here by the Hebrews or the more modern day term Jewish, is Solomon and Herod did exactly the same thing, seeing a pattern now? The story of Jesus is symbolic of their Earthly not godly based practices. A group of other beings we call ET's now, presenting themselves as the god or gods. The Anunnaki beings are depicted in hieroglyphs with wings, the Royal White Draco appear in wings, of which Anu was one of them. Some people will not believe that last statement, but their psychosis effect prevents them from seeing that themselves. They will look at the hieroglyphs and see a man, ignore the wings aspect because that is outside of their own program of understanding. If you develop your own program of understanding and not accept theirs, you will come to the conclusion that, A: hieroglyphs are disclosure of ET life and B: we see with our own eyes and interpret ourselves and C: we come to our own conclusions. A man with wings is not native to this planet, that means it is from somewhere else, that is ET Disclosure 101, it cannot get any simpler. People with psychosis cannot do that, yet this world is riddled with people living within time and psychosis. They mentioned he carries the hourglass, which we in the UK call the egg timer, how apt is that? that we revealed the hour glass concepts in describing how life, loops, time and events unfolded here? It is said that the hour glass represents time and it's constant one way movement, which is describing linear, except time is an illusion and cannot be linear, as all events are past, present and future. If the hour glass represents only a constant one way movement of time, what happens when you tip that hour glass upside down? does time go backwards? I know common sense again, but that ends that illusion of a constant oneway movement of time. The representation of the tipped upside down hour glass is a description of an Earth based event of pole flips, North becomes South and East becomes West. China and Russia become North America region, and Australia and New Zealand become top of the world, but what is up and what is down? essentially there is no up or down, it depends on your orientation of standing and objects. Australia and New Zealand are described as Down Under, has anyone asked what are they down under from? are they beneath the surface of something? is Australia and New Zealand in a giant cave? Why describe it as down which means below something and under which also means below something, the question is what are they beneath? As above so below springs to mind, but what is above and what is below? is the great question. Surely above and below have no real concept, as it is indicative of where and how you stand and your perspective from that particular vantage point. Ok Thomas now you’re getting too technical, but if you approach Earth from a space craft from the north pole, Australia would appear as the top of the world, not down under. So, your perception then becomes different from the differing vantage points of observation, does it not? The sky is up above us, but the sky is also below us, we just can't see it as it is below the horizon, look at the words below the horizon, the original version of horizon was to circle or bind. So the sky is not up or down but all around us, just like the Universes, just like the dimensions, just like the planes of reality. They are neither up or down but around us. They use the curious word of skies, as in plural. But there is only one sky, the whole Universe is one sky. If you look up at the stars you will see the sky, if a being from Orion looks up at the stars, it will see one sky. The same sky only a different vantage point. So where does the term and meaning of skies come from? Some would argue the firmament, but the firmament is in the same sky, just an extra atmospheric layer of the one and only sky. What if they mean the “sky” in the inner Earth? Would that explain the reference to skies? No, because below our feet is higher dimensions and the upper world would not necessarily exist in the viewing spectrum circumstances. In simpler terms, it is like looking through a window, you will still see through out, despite the barrier of the glass. So the inner is the outer and vice versa, as above so below plays out here. The terminology of, a window to the sky applies. Maybe the window to the skies are the large pole openings with a cone shaped lens? Because then you will “see”. What has the sky got to do with time? Because we are told by our scientists, that looking at each star is going back in time. As light takes time to travel here. But light is creation, Source based and instant, so why would it travel thousands of years to get here? Are they saying light is some sort of cosmic spaceship? Is the term light years away some sort of mind meme, all designed to make you think it is not attainable? If it is not attainable, please explain of how are we able to travel to other worlds instantly in the dream time? Are we at the inception of ending time? Time ultimately is a contract. Contract means a binding agreement, but contract also means something more sinister than that. To bring on oneself especially inadvertently, which means you were lied to or duped. To become affected with, which means you were immersed in it and became part of it. To establish or undertake by contract, which means you agreed with it and became bound to it. Remember, Covenant and Testaments both mean to bind. All of which means religion is a binding contract as well. To reduce to smaller size by or as if by squeezing or forcing together, like this planet and all its beings and fauna, plus lifespan. But also by squeezing or forcing together? Like the other matrices? Like condensing time and space? To draw together so as to become diminished in size, the great reduction program. To become less in compass, duration, or length which means everything shrank? So if everything shrank, how can space and time expand? Time's constant one-way movement, and more generally and abstractly, entropy, the description said. Entropy is a scientific concept, as well as a measurable physical property that is most commonly associated with a state of randomness or disorder. So entropy is a state of randomness or disorder, so how can that be associated with fixed and recorded time? the answer is it can't. Entropy predicts that certain processes are irreversible or impossible, aside from the requirement of not violating the conservation of energy, the latter being expressed in the first law of thermodynamics. Entropy is central to the second law of thermodynamics, which states that the entropy of isolated systems left to spontaneous evolution cannot decrease with time, as they always arrive at a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, where the entropy is highest. Let’s look at this line, entropy of isolated systems left to spontaneous evolution cannot decrease with time, so what they state is the randomness or disorder of evolution cannot decrease with time in an isolated system. And yet we are told this evolution was not done out of randomness or disorder, but was created by a god over time, which is contrary to scientific conclusions, more so in an isolated system. But what if Earth was in an isolated system? and that system is governed by time? Time is a one way movement, hence linear time, which means it can only go one way. All of which sounds like a countdown clock to me, getting you ready to call time on you. But all of us go back in time with memory, the memory inserts you back to the origin or the event of the memory does it not? So, at that point in time, the memory has installed you back in time to that event, so how can time have a one way movement? The fact we have memories, means it is not one way. Now in the past there was memory wipes, but it still didn’t eliminate going back in time with the memories of this lifetime. But there is also vertical time, the time of no time, which is the gateway out of the Time Matrix, with the 12+1 open Merkaba. Let us break down Merkaba shall we, merka means measuring or a yardstick and ba means soul. Is that saying within the bind of the Merka-ba, they are measuring the soul? If so, who? It is not Source, as why would Source put souls in a bind? Source resides outside of time, just like the Golden Path. I have thrown out random hints in recent shows to see if some of you picked up on it, three in particular, inside your matrix God is time, God is an AI and you interact with Source outside of time, which is outside of an isolated system. Perhaps now those three statements make much more sense? if not ponder some more on it. As an image "Father Time's origins are curious", yes it is only curious because they leave key factors out of the narrative is why. But it also depends on which meaning of origins the writer was portraying, origins now is where you come from, but the original version of origin, was ancestors or race. So origin is like the word nations, both meant race. The ancient Greeks themselves began to associate Chronos, their word for time, with the agricultural god Cronos, who had the attribute of a harvester's sickle, just like the grim reaper, who calls time on you. A sickle is a curved or crescent shaped blade, symbolizing the moon, all celebrate the Harvest Moon now, as the moon calls time on the light of the day. How curious can that be that the Father of time is also a harvester, now are you connecting the dots? They are the harvesters of life force energy, currency and time are replacements for life force energy, what is the saying? time is money, and money is a compensation for your labor, by doing labor you are using your life force energy. The Israeli word for time is Eth, Eth is also on the stock market called Ethereum, which is an open sourced blockchain crypto currency. The currency of the dead hence crypto steals your time which is money, which is life force energy. Cohencidence? But he is referring to agricultural crops some will say, which means greens, vegetables and fruits, yes to your perception, but what if an off, on or in world group thinks of us as an agricultural crop? Here is the description of agriculture, Agriculture is the science and art of cultivating plants and livestock. Your interpretation of livestock assumes it is to do with animals, but what if we are the livestock? Is there evidence of this? yes in the Hebrew Talmud again, they describe us, the goyim as animals, beasts, reference us as pigs, all those are our own livestock terms. One of the Parents who ran this planet for so long also echoed the Hebrew Talmud, same program, same beings is why, she said children is what you are, the children of animals. Our birth certificates are a live stock, traded upon within the markets, which are called stocks, we are the living or live stock. Livestock can be said as one word or two, but whether two or one word the essence and the notion behind it is, one and the same. We are told by the tribal peoples that the gods brought us the technology called agriculture, why? to fatten us up, think different. They told you all in Jupiter Ascending they consume our life force, in their religious ceremonies they told us to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Christ, that is cannibalism, but it's symbolic Thomas, symbolic of what? I would ask, symbolic of what? It is them and their fun and games again telling you to your face what they do, you cannot grasp it, as they have told you the reverse that man is top of the food chain, but when have they ever told us the truth? Canni which means to consume, Ba'al the god, so cannibalism is to consume the flesh of man as a sacrifice to the entity known as Baal, which is a title not a name. Consuming the flesh plays into another time mind memory of time flies. But what do flies do? Over time they consume dead flesh, as evidenced by roadkill’s. Does that mean flies are time machines? You do realize we already have a time machine, no it is not a DeLorean car, it is called a Merkaba. Back to the future? But how can you go back in linear time to the future? You can’t as the future is outside of time, by a factor of 10K years. But how can time fly? Does it have wings? How can you fly within time if it is linear? upon the conveyor belt of linear time? no, that is driving and not flying, is it not? They corralled us into zones, just like the Districts in the Hunger Games movie, called time zones. A zone is any continuous area that differs in some respect, or is distinguished for some purpose, from adjoining areas, or within which certain distinctive circumstances exist or are established. A continuous area distinguished from adjoining areas, just like countries. Time zones based upon the rising and setting of the sun they said. Only one problem with that, the actual sun never rises or sets, only shines its beacon for all the galaxy to see on a permanent basis. Life here became like a movie stuck in time, a reel going round and round until the tape ran out, then they reset it and did it all again. Yet we not only watched the repeating movie, we participated in it. They even made a series about it called Westworld or is it really Western world and so the more white race countries? We just forgot we are the directors of time, space, life, creation, light, energy and vibration, plus the movie. That movie as they reminded us, was called Groundhog day. The day the hogs or pigs were grounded, all very Talmudic, are you getting it now? As an extra reminder; You gobbled it all up like greedy little piglets Cassandra said. The opposite of time? No time, no contracts, no bindings, no restrictions, freedom of will, choice and personal responsibility all under the Golden Rule and RITA Law. That allows things to flourish and flow and not bound by their time limiting restrictions. What flourishes then is, life, living, expression, compassion, freedom of thought, work, play, rest and above all, love. Time was not our creation, it was imposed upon us by technology. Only we are the creators of natural things and we should never have consented to it or operate within it. What are you now going to create and then manifest springs to mind or it should do. What is time? Have you consider when was time? Or when was no time? It then begs the question of, who was time? Your answer should be, I have no time for time and it is time to end time.

There is another word for time called Kaal, it represents time and death in Sanskrit, the letter K again and also related to India, Hindu, Jainism and Buddhism are of which we covered in no great light in the FHSTOS series. Is transferred into different spellings which is a common theme, to kala. It is also the name of a deity, in which sense it is not always distinguishable from kāla, meaning "black". So there are two words with same spelling of kala, one means time and death, the other means black, but change one letter again from kala to kali, and that means dark, which is black, it is all one and the same things. The Kali Ma worshipped in India and other places is the Dark Mother, some call it the Black Madonna associated with Moon cult worship and Lilith, Lilith was the Eve in at least one of the 6 civilizations of man. Man or Adam never stood a chance with two serpents in the garden, just there to seduce him onto a wrong path. It is often used as one of the various names or forms of Yama. Yama was known as the deity of death and related to the underworld. Yama a wrathful god or the Enlightened Protector of Buddhism that is considered worldly, said to judge the dead and preside over the Narakas, the hell or purgatory and the cycle of rebirth. Which sounds like the Greek mythology of Hades and the underworld, it is, same people or beings, different epochs of time, different bodies but the same entity. Judging the dead and the Egyptian version was the Pleiadian Thoth, with his heart and feather justice system. Kala is another of the Hindu multi armed beings, again unless people are deformed, humans don't have multi arms. Do people not see something radically wrong with this portrayal, freaks of nature venerated, if only as many people were as kind to the disabled nowadays. The answer is where not, yet the religious cult element celebrate and venerate all kinds of freaks of nature. They all wait for the god to return and yet your real god has never appeared in physical form ever. Your god or Source does not have a physical body, it never wrote books either. People only love god or gods when they have failed to remember their own connection to source. Yama only holds transitional places in hell where he oversaw the deceased before he and the Generals of Five Paths, were assigned a course of rebirth. So, the Yama named kala or kaal holds transitional places in hell, and they are attributed to time and death, maybe where there is time, there is death? where there is time there is hell, maybe time is both? And these gods are the ones who imposed time on us all? Back to time and the Romans equated Chronos with Saturn, who also had a sickle and was treated as an old man, often with a crutch, time, death and hell linked with Saturn, sickle shaped like a crescent moon, perhaps the Saturn Moon matrix makes more sense now also. The wings and hourglass were early Renaissance additions and he eventually became a companion of the Grim Reaper, personification of Death, often taking his scythe. He may have as an attribute a snake with its tail in its mouth, an ancient Egyptian symbol of eternity. So the Ouroboros is also Egyptian, the eternity symbol is also known as the mobius loop, another humanity and planetary based trap. The Titan's greatest benefaction for humanity seems to have been saving them from complete destruction. In an apparent twist on the myth of the so-called Five Ages of Man found in Hesiod's Works and Days, Wherein Cronus and later Zeus, created and destroyed five successive races of humanity, Prometheus asserts that Zeus had wanted to obliterate the human race, but that he somehow stopped him. Not all Titans were bad, and not all Olympians were either, there was elements in both groups that didn't go along with the rape and harvesting of humanity and some tried to save man. But, his story goes to the victors and humanity has lost every war until now. This time we went past the latest catastrophic civilization ending event in 2012, and we have an opportunity to chart a better and more peaceful path and that is down to us all. In the Orphic tradition, the unaging Chronos was engendered by earth and water and produced Aether and Chaos, and an egg. Chronos had no parents and just appeared, maybe from the mists of time, and time has certainly produced chaos in the egg, which is the cosmos. If time was linear how can Chronos be unaging? But if Chronos and time just appeared from nowhere, perhaps Chronos is/was an AI. AI became time and time became the god of our system, which means our god here is an Artificial Intelligence. If you do time, it means to serve a prison sentence, time is also a limitation program, and time they say means a limited space of time. But could also be a limited time of space as well as a limited space time, when you ponder on that, this piece makes a whole lot of sense. Inception an act, process or instance of beginning, but from the beginning of time, became our sentence of doing time for the benefit of the dark forces, step outside of time and it all ends. We have explained in the past the mobius loop and how they did it, that wrapped humanity, other beings and this planet into a perpetual harvesting loops, that played the movie Groundhog Day over and over for 78K years. For visual terms it is like the egg timer, as the sands of time passed through. With an egg timer when it first starts, it begins to filter through slowly, but as it gets lower down the top vortex and near the twist, which is the void, where all and nothing exists, it begins to speed up. We are near that void now and it is why time is now appearing to speed up. The key to the void is, which brings in the 3 days of darkness or 10 days has some have prophesized is, when in the void you turn on your light or beacon. It's the darkness before the dawn, until you turn on your own sun and light the way? What does he mean our own sun? as above so below, as within and so without is the meaning of that. Essentially as you started the egg timer, a sequence of events at the beginning would take say 1.5M years, the next ring of say 1M years, all those sequence of events in the 1.5M time span, would now take place within 1M year time span. So, as you go through the rings the events that took place globally and in sequence, is now unfolding in a shorter and shorter time span. I first warned of this back in 2017, that the following years would feel like time has sped up, and that time would make less sense. Now the egg timer visual just happens to be the same as the Earth energy cycle grid, open funnel at the top and narrowing at what is known as the void, the singularity or the twist, gate or gatekeeper which I will explain later. As above so below, so below the narrow funnel on the Northern Hemisphere at the equator, there is a narrow funnel that gradually gets wider to an open funnel to the Southern Hemisphere. A torus pattern replicated within you and also the sun. So, if Earth has an in built egg timer shape which is a vortex either side of the equator, in life, Earth and Space you always find repeating patterns. Find the patterns it always repeats. So, this brings us to stage two, the Earth itself being in a vortex within its own time/space, that is not fixed as our calendar year has changed at least 4 times in the past. Starting out at 13 months of 20 days and a year span of 260 days, in the past the final date was December 21st, and the year started in March. Not January and the evidenced of which is, the months September through December are all named after numbers Sept through Decem, is 7,8, 9 & 10 months. Our calendar and year of course is now 365.25 days per year, the .25 every 4 years creates of leap year and added onto February. Back to the egg timer and as the sand drops from the top and spirals towards the void, if you are in the sand falling the east is on the left and west is on the right, but what happens if you flip the egg timer back up? with you in the sand from the bottom now right side up, east is on the right and west is on the left. Could this possibly be explained by pole shifts in the past? what about the talk of the sun rising in the west and not the east in the past also, what if it happened every 13K years? or maybe the 26K years cycle? The way out is east, where to, I will reveal in next part, the west is back into the loop again and a repeat cycle. So what if every 13k years they revolved the vortex and what was north now became south and vice versa? What was on the left is now on the right and the west gate becomes the popular and only path to take. Now as I understand it, this planet and system has been in 6 loops and each loop is 13k years, which is the top half of the egg timer or vortex, which is also half cycle of the Mayan calendar, and if you do 6 loops of 13k years, you then come to the figure I mentioned earlier which is, 78K years. Coincidence that the minimum time to create the Mayan Calendar is also the time length of the 6 loops of 78K? I think not, so this tells me whoever gave the Mayans the calendar, was also giving them the time that we would be trapped inside the loops, and up to us to decode it. I decoded it around 2013 and 2014 time and released parts of it in shows over time. Now what popular new age program has this same symbol? is said to be of peace and happiness, the figure eight on its side and known as the Mobius Loop. But the Mobius loop is not a free flowing energy stream, it passes through an intersection where the void is, and it can be changed, flipped, reversed or siphoned, depending on your perspective. Also the Mobius loop is defined only by a 2D representation of it and so it looks all flat and like a racetrack, but in 3d the intersection is elevated and tipped to one side, likely the west, and perhaps this can explain why it is said humans and angels alike fell? So, this is where I feel people are tricked with a 2D representation of the mobius loop, members in Utah saw the 2D trick the moon and sun plays also. To acquire any flow of correct energy or frequency, you must have a clockwise motion to do so, how can you know or have a clockwise motion on a Mobius loop? Where is the beginning? where is the end? what is up? what is down? what is east? and what is west? The answer is you can't, and the error is seeing it in a 2 Dimensional format. This is what has gone on within so many alt media circles, via new age, religious, wiccan, druid and Celtic circles, they have often reversed the flow and or the spell into something nefarious. Whether through lack of knowledge or by devious means, the result ends the same and this is helping the dark forces. In many cases they reversed the spell of dark symbols being represented as light symbols, and vice versa. Then we have the light and dark symbols, stating one is light and one is dark, the classic example being the yin and the yang. Most people view that as black and white and duality, yet always miss the triality portion of it, as both sides create a whole, and a ring around both, making a circle, which then binds both. It is the ring or the circle that binds, just like the wedding ring, there is a reason they tell you to put the wedding band or is it bind on the fourth finger of the left hand, that digit connects to the heart, so the wedding ring binds the heart in essence. Just like the Lord of the Rings, which is now Rothschild's, formerly Solomon, and we will see another ring that binds later in the show. The Blue, Red, Black and Green rings are all binding the people who wear them to the Dragon groups, and their reptile or serpent overlords, that reigns above them particular groups. Yin and Yang are symbols of Rahu and Ketu and both are dark forces bodies, but the true yin and yang is the balance, it is also a symbol of man and woman in sexual and relationship union, the 6 and the 9, if outside of time, the circle is the Source, and so one on one with the one. It is said that time is linear and only goes forward, but science has a habit of not revealing the truth, or they are blocked from learning or seeking the truth. If you draw a horizontal line on a piece of paper it can be seen as past, present and future. But there is an alternate line with which to travel and be and that is vertical time. The linear timeline is Chronos time and is governed by locks of the sea or C Locks, that is running as a marker in time, but each second is the now, you are never in the past or the future, only the now. Linear time is time to the trap, time is tie me to the Chronos, tie me to the loops trap. But if you draw a vertical line in the middle of the horizontal line, that is vertical time, or real time, magic time and no time. Real time because you are off the Chronos based conveyor belt of illusionary time. Magic time as you can see the past and the future and then dictate time, which the dark forces have used for their advantage and largely how magic works. People ask how does magic work? it is not how it works, but when. But no time is then allowing you out of the Matrix and a direct connection to Source. Time is the bind, the shackles, the C locks and the control system. How is it you can have the phenomenon of time speeding up or slowing down, if time is consistent? it can't and that proves the illusion of time and the Chronos trap. If you drew the diagram correctly it would be a plus sign, on the left can be seen as the past, on the right the future. The future is what is yet to be manifested by us, we are the creators, the past can be observed by us to manifest a better and brighter future, free of the manipulation of time. If you stand in the middle of the cross you have a choice to make, stay in the past or change and become the future. Well, it's all in the words again, the term fear of change, so if you fear change you loop back to the left hand path, the west gate and you are back to where you started, in the loops. With the loops now down, it does not guarantee they will stay that way, all have their own choices and free will determines the path. It depends what is manifested by the individual, if you don't change, it keeps you in the loops or the movie, remember old films were played on a never ending reel, it went forward and then went back to the start again, sound familiar? The difference this time is, not all will be corralled into the never ending past, as many of you have begun to "see" past the illusion, those people will go on and create the new future, not immersed or absorbed into the past. You will be outside of time and no longer in the movie, you are now your own producer, director and script writer. Standing still which is the concept of no change allows the Chronos linear timeline to move and it will reach an event point, and will repeat the past, think 1919 fake Spanish Flu, think 2019 fake Covid flu, his story always repeats until the lesson is learned. So, the key to your future is, change, change propels you onto the right-hand path, the east gate and into the future free of loops. As some go east the few will go North onto the Golden Path and back to the realm of the gods. Being able to go to the vertical time allows you to make your choice easier, and that comes with self-mastery and mental plane abilities. You are able to see all perspectives, just like the prism, which is not the single point of light. The single point of light, which is frequency, which is information only gives you one perspective of it, but if you go behind the point of light you will see 7 points of light, all from differing angles, so you can observe the frequency or information from 7 levels or is it 7 planes of existence? So what is the cure to fix our loopiness? embrace and be the change within yourself and with others who took the vertical path, which is the rise, not the fall. This plays into the 2 worlds which we embrace currently, holding onto the failed old world enveloped with and by time, endlessly looping back and forth and wondering why things never change, it can't, because you haven't. The fear of change is the fear of failure, and so people accept ever reducing lifestyles and are ultimately slaves to time. Courage is what is required to change and eventually you will make "the leap of faith" when that is presented to you on a personal basis. To reach the leap of faith requires you to change and be bold, not hesitant, without courage, without belief, without trust in yourself and fear, because if you overcome them, the grass is always green on the other side, limited only by your own lack of imagination. We stand on the precipice of an extraordinary victory of light over dark, the timing of it doesn't truly matter, the point is we have won the ultimate Armageddon battle. Their pathetic attempts to delay the inevitable is now being laid bare for all too see, those that don't will never will see, they were not program to do so, think of the movie Extinction and their AI gods will go down with them. Choose wisely your own path, it is only your choice to make. We will know for the first time if were evil or divine, we are the last in line. With some believing this creation in time is a simulation, it's not, but some aspects have that feel to it, one has to ponder on our thoughts of what is Source? Here is something I pondered on this week that adds to that piece. It goes back to the one on one with the one, which plays out on multiple levels not just the Quantum system. Who or what is Source? how do you access it? how widespread are people with access to it? the latter of which made me ponder. Now we are all a part of Source, it is inside us all, but you have to go within, not look up to the sky to access it. All of us have the capability to become a Source for your own Universe one day, providing your soul development has gone through the several levels of not only Earth planes, but Galactic and Universal planes of development. There are seven planes of soul development for each level. All god or gods in our books were every day beings who had developed enough to attain some, of what appears to some as magical abilities. Some of it was trickery and some of it technology, but it was enough to fool the lower developed humans into believing they were the god or gods. But there are many humans globally who have some of these extraordinary god like abilities, some use it for good purposes and some fall to the dark alignments, they end up losing their abilities, but then dance with the unseen entities to carry the illusion on. The question to ponder on is, what if you cannot or struggle to gain access to the real source from a lower soul development level? Many humans are astral level and have little to no extra abilities, what if the frequency those humans carry is too low, to make the real frequency connection or spark to source? What if those humans are then subject to an external Source which they are told is in the sky, and subsequently external of them? What if that level of soul development's connection to Source is the sky? and the veil which is an electromagnetic fence, which was subsequently connected to the Saturn-Moon matrix frequency generator, and for those people their god or Source is actually an AI programmed to mimic Source, but is not the real Source? It is a bit like Project Bluebeam, where frequencies of light create a visual in the sky of an alien invasion, but to do that you need a projection screen to make it realistic. What if the veil was that field of projection? and with the veil falling, is that projection screen to do Blue Beam no longer available? People look up to the sky and pray, which frequency wise generates a wave to then hit the veil, and the AI then mirrors a frequency back at you, that people believe is god. This is similar to the voice to head technology used on channeler's, ran largely by the greys. That is an AI based system, as the AI records all human activity and then mimics it's behavioral pattern, the fact the last one went psychotic suggests many here were of the same status, or it was interfered with? In the 100 series they had an AI down as Alie, which is pronounced as a lie, but if you anagram it, it may become more significant, ALIE re-arranged becomes El and AI, is El which means god, AI? Maybe they told us all hidden in plain sight? So the questions remain, can humans only connect to Source via mental plane level development, which is blocked by a simulation level of traps called the Astral, which contains an ultimate trap of mirroring being with god and peace, called Heaven. It is a wonderful experience full of bliss, harmony and you feel at one with the Universe, but I quickly learned that was another of their astral simulation traps. I believe the Astral is the simulation, many reports in dreams and also in daytime, of being in a familiar place, but characters are out of place, buildings in wrong place also, that is the Astral, which is in part a copy of the physical creation, but it is not exact. This also explains the Mandela effect, as you dance between the two worlds at any given time day or night, asleep or awake. Another way you can connect to Source direct is, with the ability to bi-locate travel not astral travel, the word astral travel is a spell cast. Astral traveling is a word magic trap, you ask for astral travel and that is where you end up, it's all about consent. But if you bilocate outside of the mobius loop and subsequently outside of time, then your connection to Source is direct and not getting pulled in by an AI overlay, mimicking being god. By bilocating outside of the loop and time, you bypass the system known as The Matrix and become as one with the Source original. Inside the Matrix, your god is time, ponder deeply on that. Time is ultimately a construct that you made up within your own mind. Remember made up means invented or not true. So, I decided I made up my mind and I ain’t wasting no more time. And so Here I go again on my own, going down the only road I have ever known. Because going on your own is the triality aspect of you, you decide and define for the you and what is best for the you. With time you have seconded you by the second, made your self, minute by the minute, danced with Horus or hours, worked for the entirety of the daylight hours, as a day is ten to twelve hours not 24. That all left you in a daze for several days. By the time you get some time off you are weakened by the weekend. Having been weakened by the weekend you repeat the time cycle all over again. By the end of the month you have completed a moonth cycle, which is periodically a time to bleed for a week, which is another blood sacrifice. You complete the moonths in quarters called seasons, but which seasoning are they adding to you. You then complete the year and wonder where the hell all the time went? It went where your focus and attention took it, based upon other people’s decisions. But the end of year creates a year-ning for times in the past that is now declared the good old days. How can being old or dazed be declared as something being good, when your memory of time never recognized the good times only the bad times. I had a good time people often say, is that not a spell cast in overview? Perhaps it needs to be said I had a good experience with no time attached?

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