The simple answers between the both is, one is an external pursuit and one is an internal pursuit. One is an external savior program, the other means you save yourself. One is used as a harvesting looshfest, the other keeps and protects their own energy. One sometimes costs people money, the other doesn’t. One is used as an external status, the other is internal and only known to the self. One is generally done in a congregation, the other is done in a quiet space alone. One requires you to enter a designated building, the other can be done anywhere. These are the basic differences between the two, but the topics themselves generate much angst, verbal volleys and sometimes violence, particularly with religion. The my god is better than your god people, have led to no end of deaths and destruction on this planet for many thousands of years. The curious thing is, no religious person asks whether that stance is contradictory to the said nature of religion? Said to be all holy, but nobody really defined what holy meant, which is a common trait within religious fields. But I don’t call bludgeoning an entire people’s, village, town or city a holy thing to do, that is genocide. Yet the religious fervor just rolls on from war to war and there has been little to no efforts to stop it, in any decade or century. One simply asks the question, why is religion associated always with hatred, division and violence? Throw in bitterness and the rejection of whole other people’s, purely based upon them following a different belief structure. It begs a bigger question of, is this belief structure actually beneficial to anyone? The bitter name calling and labeling of each other resembles a kindergarten squabble, yet no one seems to take a step back and think is this the right behavior to be undertaking? One of the greatest problems of religion, is that it doesn’t sit well when it comes under scrutiny by people who have a right to question it. All kinds of excuses, deflections and dismissals takes place, when you ask basic questions, like proof of its validity. Religion and the religious will and cannot tolerate that in any way shape or form, it tends to get very testy or worse, ugly. But why is that? Why are people not allowed to question or scrutinize this topic? Why are people told to believe it or you will face the wrath of god, or worse, face death? Nobody asks as to why god would have anger management issues and when questioned about the fiery serpent attacks, floods, plagues, pestilence, disease, destroying crops, land and livestock is a good thing for a god to do, the answer is typically robotic and clichéd, it is just god’s way they say. God takes away all the children, but god works in mysterious ways is the next cliché. We all thought god and religion was about setting the examples of morals and principles, yet clearly there is no evidence to support that claim. Look at it logically, 60% of the planet are said to be religious, why aren’t those 60 or even 50% of the planet of a higher standing then? They are not, so the conclusion is, that program is not delivering what it is said to do. You have priests and nuns all claiming to be gods messengers, did anyone ask who appointed them to that lofty height? No, people just go along with it. Where are their credentials or proof they are men or messengers of god? The problem is the people’s acceptance. When people have found out the atrocities of many of the churches, did they stop going to the church? Again no, the greater question then becomes, why? Why would you endorse a church that is trafficking children, enslaves children, sells children, sexually, violently and mentally abuses children? Why would the Vatican church have a mafia collecting and extorting money from the public, using prostitution, drug running, arms sales and many other forms of malfeasant behaviors. Why would the Vatican church be associated with a military arm? Why would they send them out on missions to kill lots of people? Why were 3 of the last 4 Popes involved in warfare and gun running? Two of which were Nazis. Why was the Vatican church working with the CIA during WW2? Listeners of expose pieces April 18th , found out the contradictory nature of religion on a massive scale. Where dates, names of people, names of places, names of gods where all muddied to the point of mass confusion. The Jewish and Judaism section and scholars in particular, when pushed about the genocide of the Amalekites, flat out denied it and described it as allegoric. But why would you write several books that were referenced in those pieces, all about one group of people, the Amalekites, yet state it is allegoric? Numbers, Samuel, Deuteronomy, Hebrew bible, Genisis, Exodus, Judges, Chronicles, Mishneh Torah, Book of Esther, Ephesians, Talmud and Zephaniah, all mentioned the Amalekites in their books, yet now they are telling us it was allegoric? The great question then is, is the rest of those books also allegoric? Or as what generally plays out with religion, it becomes selective. The whole thing is a massive contradiction on a simple and basic question and answer scale, yet curiously you are not allowed to question anything or everything about religion or their varying gods? Is that not another contradiction? I thought we were all afforded free will, appears that is selective as well. The whole thing is riddled with inconsistencies on a massive scale, that if it wasn’t called religion, it would be firmly labeled under the term conspiracy theory. Other unexplainable things happen around religion, that in any other field would also come under conspiracy theory and worse, declared mentally unstable. God sits on a cloud and passes judgement over everyone, a snake that talks to people, a bush goes on fire and talks to people, a cloud appears on a mountain and hands someone a tablet of laws, people walk on water, people can part oceans. My question is, has anyone ever witnessed any of those things? If not, why would you believe in them? People rocking backward and forward and kissing a wall, in any other field that person would be declared mentally unstable, but not in religion. Other bizarre concepts such as you are not allowed to eat fruit or you will be banished, the lord coming down to change the languages, so humans can’t communicate together and all people not Jewish are pigs, cattle or animals. These are the questions people must ask themselves, I know it is all encompassing and an easy path to look for everything outside of yourself, but external is devolution. When your true answers of truth, love, evolution and source all lie within, as the real god or source intended. The books all have levels of extraordinary contradictory statements that is way beyond basic logic. It is riddled with violence, fear, incest, death, bestiality, theft and divide and conquer. The real issue with these words whilst not literal, the real issue is memetics and implied consent. Because those words are spell casts, like most of the scriptures, why would a so-called holy book contain such words to begin with? Like death, rape, incest, fears, plagues, pestilence, slaughter and it looks more like a Hollywood movie script to me. People have asked me over time do I believe in a god, but that is a far broader question and terminology than most people think. It begs the question back of, which god? But the true meaning of the word god, has been distorted over time and the current version is not the real meaning or the intention behind it. Do I believe in an all-encompassing entity? Yes, it is called Source or as the URs would call it, Bra-ha-ma. But Source will never present itself in the physical realms as a walking flesh and blood entity, at that level it does not exist in a way that we would instantly recognize it. The higher you go as a soul developed being the less denser you become, they cannot sustain physical 3D bodies. That applies on the levels of 7-12 also. Although 7- 12D bodies can appear in the lower dimensions based upon projecting a very small proportion of themselves to appear on this level. This level 3D is not a comfortable level to be at for a soul coming from the higher D’s and the frequency at these levels is of a much lower vibration. So, there is no chance of the god or Source or his son appearing on a 3D planet, it is just not necessary or practical. All of which brings into deeper questioning of the bible, as to just who are these god or gods they are worshipping? So, what is a god? A god is a person or being who has attained higher soul growth and anyone can become a god under its original meaning. If a person achieves the 7 earth (earth just means inhabited planet) based levels of growth, they move onto the next 7 layers of growth, galactic and then universal. But then you have the multiverse level and metaverse as well. So, there is a distinct difference between Source and a god, one is the creator of everything, one is a person or being having been created by Source and has gone onto achieve higher soul development. Religion was an experiment to see how far people would externalize everything about themselves, when everything needed was actually within. As we have found out, it was Lucifer who brought the program of religion here around 22500BC. Let’s look at it rationally neither god, Jesus, Allah, Kali Ma, Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva or the Lord, not one of them wrote a book. Yet the people are being tasked to believe in these books, nothing of which was written by their gods. Another bizarre aspect of this applies to the Catholics, who believe they must drink blood to maintain eternal life. This is down to the Cat holic mass where they tell you, you are drinking the blood and eating the flesh of Christ. Again in any other walk of life, that is declared a cannibalism. But yet again the church proclaim it is not literal. The question then becomes is, is any of the bible or scriptural books literal? How can you follow or believe in it, when any controversial topic that is brought up within it, is swiftly labeled non-literal? Why isn’t there a disclaimer in the book stating whole portions of the book is not real, just stories made up? Even Eastern and spiritual based practices we have covered detailing corruption, sexual abuse and trafficking. The Dalai Lama is a CIA agent, why would a so-called messenger of spiritual practice be a spy for the CIA? It makes no sense. Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, chanting mantras, mandalas, Shiva, Vishnu and other deities, all riddled with the same conspiracy theories Catholic or Christianity does. We have highlighted harvesting and abuse involving tantric, siddhis and other so called spiritual based practices. The heavy use of messiah complex, using threats and intimidation, again the use of sexual based coercion and some of the most barbaric ritual sacrifices the planet over. That involves mass human and animal sacrifice, including evidence of bestiality with the animals inside the temples. Should we just ignore all those examples? Why is it so many temples and places of worship have been found out to be sacrifice centers? The Far East culture also denigrates, abuses and treats women as sex objects, things to abuse and second-class citizens, just like the African and Middle East cultures. There are many people starving and homeless and communities riddled with crime, yet many of these churches are dripping with riches. If all these practices were righteous and real, the world would be a much better place. The fact is the world is not a better place, it's just not. 80% of the planet or more are involved in some form of religion or spiritual practices, that allegedly teaches you all kinds of nice things and yet the planet is divided, violent, chaotic and the worse aspect, none caring, which god teaches you that? There is zero evidence it produces what it says it does. Which group is the predominant in all the religions? in fact all religions stems from and were created by one group, that goes by several names. The Torah and Talmud are the books, both of which think humans are expendable slaves with the most heinous writing, directives and acts ever on this planet. They go by Hebrews, Israelites, Jesuits, Jews, sub gray, Zionists, Kali Ma, Cult of Ra, Annunaki and Annunaki Zionists, some of which comes under the Order of the Black Sun, who worship evil and death. The point is, 1. god never wrote a book 2. Jesus never wrote a book 3. Mohammad never wrote a book 4. deities never wrote a book 5. Yahweh never wrote a book 6. Lucifer or Satan never wrote a book 7. The Lord never wrote a book. Knowing and accepting that as a fact, renders the tenets of religion moot. The only ones who wrote books were disciples of the dark forces and evil. The Cohens, priests, monks, nuns and crown agents, none of whom we know who they are, or what was their intentions. All leaving a planet in a very bad state, with no direction, no inner compass, a distinct lack of morals and principle and a totally uncaring world apart from the few who do. And it is the few who truly care, all of which is a great indictment of we the people. It is all about getting, keeping and acting on the knowledge, the knowledge is the faith. People often say, but the church does good things, that is non thinking again, the people in the church did good things not the actual building or the movement, you did good things, stop externalizing it, it was you. Why do people give all their power away to a church? But then given the evidence against the churches, is that the sole purpose of getting disciples? To harvest their energy and take donations off of them? We asked some time back, are you praying or being preyed upon? Same pronunciation but different spelling and a completely different meaning. Spirituality is often spoken about, but the concept is as misunderstood as the words conspiracy theory and cult. When asked to explain the last two, people stumble. Why? Because they are repeating cliches handed to them by the system, with no instructions of how to explain the words or the understanding behind them. This plays out in general life also, all of which aids the word magic and spell casting efforts of the dark magicians. To find our true selves, does not and never required religion at all. It didn’t require Jesus, Allah, Buddha or Krishna either, all that was required was to go within. This is the essence of spirituality, as the Christ, the God, the Source and everything else was within us. Spirituality is the complete opposite of religion, where everything is inside of you and religion everything is external of you. With everything external of you, you are ultimately searching for something that does not exist. Why? Because everything is inside of you. Religion is a program for child level people or beings, as they fail to get a grasp on themselves and seek out others for their remedies. This planet is at child level in terms of the Cosmos, we have not evolved enough or understood enough about life, our solar system, our galaxy, our Universe and our Source to become an advanced species and planet. Spirituality is a singular pursuit of your own soul development. It does not require gatherings, congregations, churches or retreats. It can be practiced anywhere you choose and it can never be done for you by another person, ever. It all comes down to, have you become or going towards an adult level being? Whereby you discard the savior program, that god will look after you program, that god protects you program, as in overview that is no different from a parent or guardian. It is your time to look after, protect and save yourself and you must be steadfast in that inner belief. Many will attempt to steer you astray, as the dark forces and their influencers will do everything to pull you back into the child level program. Why would they do that? Because they wish to harvest your energy. Those on the spiritual path know and understand this and will protect their energy, thoughts and well-being themselves. The dark forces need you to rely on them for your well-being. So how did it come to the current mess, well Lucifer started it around 22500BC, bringing in a program of control. With him and other extra terrestrial beings presenting themselves as god and or the Lord. Notice the lord in the bible is always written in all capitals, which means the lord is dead. The common sense question then is, why are we still taking orders, vows, rituals and commandments from a dead person? But in 324AD in came the Rome cult and Constantine, who declared that Jesus was the only son of god and was the Christ. All other texts not connected to that were removed and the fake religion of Christianity was manufactured, not born. So the basic question is, how can Jesus be a Christian before it was invented? These facts and many other things and contradictions, should make the average person look much deeper into the narrative, but this is not the case. The only reference to Jesus being a flesh and blood being is in the Gospel of Thomas, written in 100AD. It has no mention of Jesus being the son of god or of his virgin birth. The story of Jesus it was said, was of a man and a teacher who transformed through spirituality into a living Christ. The Christ is a title, stating he has embodied the cosmic force of the Christ within himself. This is the Christos energy we spoke of in Cosmic Genetics. It is a title symbolizing an individual has become in tune with the Cosmos, embraced and integrated it within, all of which symbolizes he developed the soul via spirituality. This is available to all beings, none of whom are any more important than the other. So the Christ represents the innermost being and the divine spark that is within us all. That force is connected to the highest dimension of reality, the absolute. This Christ consciousness that connects us to that inner space, because the ego cannot experience the absolute, only the inner Christ can. The Christ is the mediator, the bridge between the absolute and the manifested Universe. The Christ is beyond any personality or individuality, in terms of the all. The Christ only appears in this physical reality, when it is expressed through any human being who is prepared to receive it. The process of receiving the Christ consciousness is said to be not easy at all. But that is only because you forgot your own personal responsibility in developing the self, choosing to rely on non-existent support and savior programs. Remember the message of the Gnostics, is that we are all born with the divine light within us. The key is seeking that divine light and then expanding it, is a duty for us all. According to the Gnostics also it was said, the only way we find god is to look within ourselves. Our path is to find that christic love within us, once we get out of our own way. Our own way is the ego, which cannot experience the jewels of the crown that awaits us all. Christ is not a human being or divine individual, it is a title given to all self realized masters. Hence the term self-mastery. The sun illuminates both coal and diamonds, but only the diamond shines its light back. But the carbon in the coal has the potential to become a diamond, all it requires is the conversion under high pressure. This describes spirituality in and of itself, you can be coal or you can be the diamond. You can be unmastered and seek outside of yourself or become self-mastered and operate from within. Jesus the savior is not spirituality, just a child level program designed to not elevate ourselves. Knowing the Christ consciousness is not enough, one has to embody it to become it. We have to reach for the heavens in consciousness and the hand of Source then touches you. Hence the term a hand up, not a hand out. Just like the URs warned in the Santies and Vedas, they will help those that are on their way towards the Golden Path, if not, they will not help you. The self centered people will react to that statement, because they are too lazy to do it for themselves. The path to truth rests within us, not lies within us, for those who do not embrace the truth, will perpetually lie in wait. The repeated life cycles of lying in wait, waiting for the savior, waiting for a god or deity to rescue you, wears heavy upon the spirit within the heart. I guess it is time you all followed your heart.

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