Following on from the two pieces in the last Blueprint show Episode 3, called what is value and what is the future, here we delve into another piece, called what is life? This is an expanded version from the original three to four years ago. What is life? similar to what is value and what is the future we did in the last show, again we have not defined it too well, have we? If you have no or limited understanding of energy, frequency and vibration, how can you understand life? In overview that is a reversal of how people operate, all too easily concerned with external things, yet will not look internal. But those three things whilst they are all external of you, are also internal as well. They are the driver of everything, not just you. Those 3 dictate everything in the Universe, but with regards to life here that will change everything, the 3 memes of The Peoples Club changes everything as well. Need not greed, caring and sharing, cooperative not comparative or competitive. Two trinities that define how life should be. Life is living, experiencing good, bad or indifferent, life is learning from the light and the dark, in fact, our best lessons and learning mode, come from the dark by observance, which is far better than participating in it. One wonders at times if people know the true value of life? There are billions of life forms operating in suspended animation just waiting for the opportunity we have been given, to live in a body like our own. Ponder long and hard on that statement, then wonder why there is host possession. But life here is not about living is it? As each generation passes, it has become more about surviving and existing, than living, has it not? So much so now, that surviving day to day for well over half the planet is their very existence, whilst the select few gorge on life and consume everything, like it is all suddenly going to run out any day soon. The classic think tank tactic of create or announce scarcity where there is none, remember according to those scaremongers in the 80-90's we were going to run out of oil before the turn of the last century. All lies, oil which is bacteria poop is abiotic, which means it replenishes itself. What if most minerals on this planet are abiotic or self-replenishing? How can you run out? In the case of oil, if you leave an empty well dormant for ten years, they fill back up again. Is the abiotic nature similar to the 2 or 3 cups of the elixir narrative of Odin’s children? Does that lesson of Odin’s children teach a valuable insight, of need not greed? A concept the controllers of fear and doom have not observed, but absorbed. That escalated their descent into the pit, they thought it was a bottomless pit, they were wrong, badly wrong. Those that fail to learn the lessons of the past are deemed to repeat them. Just like some of the beings below our feet. Meddling with genetics to a point of extinction, which is why they showed the documentary, not the movie called Extinction. Half biological and half machine. That is what greed and the desire for power brings you, the unbalanced ego of wanting to be the singular one, when you could be part of the all. A case of less is more, learn the lesson and you have less but move on, creating a less-on. Or not learn the lesson and have more in material aspects but less off. Are you on or off? What is on and what is off? On is one on one with the one, off is cut off and disconnected from Source and life. They thought they were better off, not in real terms they weren’t. Collecting pieces of paper with numbers on is not better off, that is the illusion. As those with more money are always spiritually bankrupt. Will people fall, literally, for the temptation? Does that not become a test of your own character? If so, that is a lesson to learn for us all to not be like the entities operating as clowns, is it not? For the former, that is not living, it is an abomination of life and the more people recognize that fact the better. Because you have the five basics does not mean I am alright jack and not care for the rest of society, that is no different to being a member of the elite in its base form. Where is the caring and sharing in that? Has ignoring the plight of others served us well? Well that issue or plight is not my reality or experience some will say, is that caring? No it’s not. That is service to self no matter which way you spin it. Hiding behind the illusionary bubble world of the self, with the Egyptian river of de-nile (denial) that all those bad things only happen to other people. Well guess what, everyone’s bubble is being popped now, so that shatters that illusion as well. So, what happens next? Reality. Whether that is real reality or virtual 2D reality is your choice. Oh my! Reality bites they say, only because you allowed the predators to chomp on you. Hiding inside your own bubble world like a latter day sleeping pod, where the frightened and traumatized childlike people slept, because they couldn’t handle adversity. The modern day sleeping pod is passed off as a medical marvel by jackassess in the Alt Media, called the Med Bed. Developed by and with the Rand Company who built the underground bunkers that links to their non-terrestrial brethren underground. The Med bed is a genetic altering sleeping pod, where they will turn you into being like them, in the main, machines. Getting into them means, you do not understand life. It is just another technology that takes you away from Source. It is they who are struggling and they wish to use us as batteries and some sort of life sustaining conduit. But it is not life as we know it. Machines are not life, technology is not abilities, computer code is not collective consciousness, time and matrices are not life, they are stagnant circles. Only the spiral brings you in and out and creates real life, which is a system of flowing. Just like the river, just like the heart, just like the love frequency, only those in fear create the dam with which to block it. Everything has to flow for renewal, regeneration and sustainability. These controllers and worse ourselves created dams to stop the flow, where everything backs up and creating blockages. Why do they and we do that? Because we are weak and have not understood ourselves, never mind others. I am reminded at this point of a conversation with a part Draco being, who laughed when I said the Draco beings are weak. He said how do you work that out? My reply was; only the weak have the need to control others. If the humans are that weak and sheep like, why the need to control us? You controlled us because of fear, pure and simple. Suddenly he stopped laughing. Even those of us who have the five basics, do not see we live like kings compared to many on the planet, there is always the desire, not need, to have more, the western society is riddled with entitlement, in comparison to many parts of the world. What is wrong with recognizing what you already have is enough? If you have what you need in life, why greed? Some of it goes back to the scarcity program, of will I have enough in retirement? Yet is it not the case for many who pursue that goal, forget to live whilst alive? You can’t take money with you, only karma and soul development. Yet because people not only don’t understand life, but more importantly the flow of things, the worse of which is money. They entrust their retirement funds to the very greed based people who control and enslave us! Sheer madness and a lack of understanding of the flow, of where it comes from and where it goes. A river flows, love flows, oceans flow like a current-cy(sea) but they and we put dams in and on them. This creates a backup in the river and deposits from the flow go where on a river? The banks. They collect the back flow in terms of deposits and place it in or on the bank, then they feed off of us with our money. But money is not the reality of it, that is the illusion, because the deposits on the bank are the carcasses of us and our life force energy. Now do you understand life? Money is an anagram of my one, it is that desire of control again, of being the one. If all is me, my, myself and I, that is unbalanced ego. It has to be replaced with we, us and our for everything to be in balance. It's funny how they compare everything else in life clothes, homes, handbags, shoes, cars and looks, and even how many likes or friends they get on social media. But when comparisons are made with anything elsewhere, involving the life or lack of life of others, the comparative mind suddenly switches off into ignore mode, that has to stop if we are to progress as a species. So switch it back on for a second and absorb these figures and comprehend what they are saying about us as a collective. 838M don't have enough food, that's one in every 9 people, 785M don't have clean water, 2 billion people don't even have a toilet, 1.3B have no electricity, with millions more facing and tolerating the load shedding scam. Those without adequate homes, the last time the global authority supposedly tasked to deal with this and bothered to check it was 2005. It revealed that 1.6B people didn't have an adequate home, suffice to say that figure is much higher now. 58M children have no education, 876M adults are illiterate and 4.4B don't have access to the internet. Read and weep and be grateful that you are not in those categories. It is not said to make you feel guilty of what you have, but it is said to you, to kick start you into concern and caring, about what others don't have, they are the priority. The haves and have not's leads to an increase in crime, the propensity is to frown on people who commit crimes. But if a mother steals food or clothing from a shop to feed or clothe her children, because she has no means to provide for them, is that a crime by her? No, that is the effect. The cause is, it is a crime by the system that created that situation and the public for not caring enough. Again it is because we don’t understand life or the supposed flow of it. Life is riddled in a fear-based cacophony of noise. We have various insurance-based expenditures for fear of losing what we insure against, college funds is a form of fear based insurance that our kids don't fail in life. Kids don't fail in life because they have no pieces of paper called certificates, degrees, doctorates or phd's, they fail in life if you don't teach them the basics, personal responsibility, manners, how to be self-sustaining, basic finance, principals, how to care and how to become a self-sustaining adult not seeking savior programs. There are many examples of people going onto achieve great things in life without achieving in their indoctrinating mind control schools, I am one of them, Einstein, Nassim Harramein and many in our own group also, intelligence is one thing, intellect is another. Pensions, 401K’s and IRA’s are another fear based insurance of having nothing later in life, is that living? Yet again those pensions and insurances feed the beast, do they not? Our working life takes up nearly half of our day, 8 hours work yes, but what about the time preparing for work? or commuting to and from,? for 5 or in some cases 6 out of every 7 days, so that by the time we get some time off, we are too knackered to enjoy it, is that living? Working conditions are like sweat jobs, pressure to perform, deliver and conform to make the maximum profits for the very few at the top to gorge on, via first class flights, expensive cars, clothes, accessories, meals and hotels, whilst you scrape by on $10-15 an hour. The cost of that lifestyle then impacts on the children and or family life, if work takes up 10-12 hours a day, sleep 8 hours a day, that leaves 4-6 hours a day for time with the children, your partner, friends, extended family, cooking, cleaning, personal hygiene, never mind research, self-improvement, hobbies or even a sex life, is that living? But a day is roughly 10-14 hours, the rest is night remember. So it is not taking up half of our day is it? but 75% to all of our day, ponder on that. We are just being drained like batteries, and yet the very people who are being harvested of energy and living, are the same ones fighting to keep the status quo. What is the definition of insanity? doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. The thinking of more equals better, it doesn't, it never has and it never will, do you all understand that? I have spoken to a few members recently about their lifestyle and the rigidity of it and asked where is the flexibility? The spontaneity of life and experiences? Is life supposed to be a rigid structure? Like 9-5 as it was, now it is nearer 8-5, did you notice it? Many don’t. Rigid lifestyles of sticking with the status quo, is creating a dam in your life, life is not just about work and pieces of paper. It is about living and experiencing as many new things as possible. But we humans are stubborn at times are we not? Let’s look at that word. Stub to block, stamp out, extinguish, smother or choke, being born brings life, so by being stub-born we smother, block or choke life. So, who created the dams and blockages in life? You did, because you forgot what life is all about. You didn’t define what life is about, so then you didn’t learn to create a better life for yourself and others. Why would you block the flow of life? How do you think that, that is a useful exercise to be undertaking? Why would you block the flow of love? Because of fear. Why do you allow fear, which is an abstract future based concept to dictate, control and abuse you? Yes, it is personal abuse, mired in the low self-worth. Love is the ultimate in frequency, yet many deny it, because they cannot control it. If you understand life, love is not meant to be controlled, it is only meant to flow. Love is your own personal connection to Source, deny it and you cut off your own flow to not only Source, but life and your role in it. You become lost in the sea of illusion, creating fake realities and existence, you are in essence, humanity unplugged. Even if you stop loving a person, that flow of love and loving within you has to continue onwards, because that is your contribution to the all in a frequency based way. It is the polyamory, of being love, doing love, sending love, receiving love, carrying love and dispersing love. You don’t fall in or out of love, you rise in it. Fear is anti-life, love is life. Fear is low vibration, love is the higher vibration. Fear creates blockages, love creates flow. Fear creates sickness and disease, love creates a healthy vibrancy. Fear is about taking away, love is about giving. As the Dio written song Heaven and Hell says, the less that you give, you're a taker, which is harvesting and is equivalent to the EL-ites and their dark intentioned programs. The lover of life’s not a sinner, to be a lover of life you have to understand it, experience it and embrace it. The world is full of kings and queens who blind your eyes and steal your dreams, because we allowed them to. So which is your own personal life path? Do you choose, not heaven or hell because that is a religious based construct and astral visitation realm of illusion and fear. Do you choose life and love or fear and purgatory for the self? Dio said the lyrics are about which path we take. Whether it be the path to heaven or the path to hell. The song was written for the religious people who force you to do things and make you think that everything is evil. This song is supposed to tell you to choose your own path, which makes you a good person. A good message in a heavy rock song? Well I never! Think different, act different and be different, ours and their old model failed, on every single level of society. Thinking and acting different and mindset change to heart set is leading from the front, you don't have to be awarded or voted for that position, you just do it. So, what is life? really for so many on this planet, they have no life, existing and getting by is not living. The propensity to not question or not complain that our life is not what we wanted, is an acceptance and consent to what they offer us, which is nothing. We need to define what we consider as life. You should all listen to this piece a few times to really understand what is life, you will all find out that, yet again you have not defined it. Then spend an hour doing a life review, are you happy? Do you have wants, desires, needs, loves, write them down and create a bucketlist for yourself to tick off. Life is not about perfection, that is another subtle form of control, that you must do and be everything perfect. In overview that is arrogance and ego, you can never possibly be perfect at everything or even anything, because that then says you have nothing to learn. If you have nothing to learn or do, what is the point of living? No really, I’ll ask again. What is the point of living, if you don’t know how to live and create? There is no perfection, because everything is flawed. But there are always lessons borne out of mistakes and new goals then to improvements. How can the crown of creation be living and yet not understand life itself? Is that not an oxymoron? Did we throw the oxy away and are we just acting like the moron part? If we threw the oxy part away, is that not in overview another dam in life, the act of breathing and oxy-gen. Cut off the supply of oxy-gen and we die internally and externally and so life ceases to exist. With are lifestyles, which is a curious word given so many don’t fully understand life, how can you have a style if you don’t have a life? With our lifestyles dictated by others, in essence we are on a plane or is it a dimension? That has suffered decompression and all the oxygen masks have lowered and we have them on. Gasping for air praying for more life. Before that plane hits the ground and obliterates you, you have a choice to manifest a different and better outcome. What will you choose? How much are we throwing away or damming? If we are damming, are we not damning the self? It is all about the flow, or even flow like the Pearl Jam song which says; Even flow, thoughts arrive like butterflies Oh, he don't know, so he chases them away, Oh, someday yet he'll begin his life again, life again, life again. But before you live your life again, remember to live and love this one. Even flow, thoughts arrive like butterflies, you do realize that is a soul development advancement? When you reach a certain frequency, the butterflies arrive to greet you. The life giver here is the sun, it loves life and so subsequently loves us, do we love it in return? Embrace it and it will be received and returned, then you will understand that the sun and life is with and within you. You do realize there are no sunrises or sunsets? the sun is in ascension all day and night. The sun is like a parent putting you to bed, it turns off its light to allow you to sleep and ascend with it into the heavens. You follow it because it is within you, but how can you follow life when you don’t understand it? How can you follow the heart if you will not open it? When you understand life fully, the Blueprint was not an external creation, we are the Blueprint. The Blueprint is about us all having a life and living in the abundance of the essentials, once people learn how to elevate themselves and get out of their own way. FOLLOW YOUR HEART