Time for a bit of a piece to find out where we are all at, in terms of the self, our surroundings and the collective. Have people done their shadow and inner work? many will say yes, many will lie, not only to others but to themselves also. Do people really not step back and look at themselves and realize, how lying to ourselves is beyond pointless, it is also stupid and yet we do it all the time. The question along the journey of self-discovery is, what is the underlying issue to it? Find that, and you are on your way to correcting it. The key to it all is, self-healing, what? self-healing Thomas, you mean to say we don't need healing machines, pills, psychologists or some new age multi titled, made up label person, to fix me? err no, you don't and that is the key, it all starts with you. Do you want to heal and fix you or are you content hiding behind the mask and living the illusion? except those masks just don't work like they used to, do they? as many are now finding out. The masks are falling rapidly, as the truth waves washes over the planet, in a tidal wave that just keeps rolling, will it stop? not this time. We demanded the truth and the truth is what we will get, in all its, at times, brutal glory. THI members were given a heads up on this in May and June 2015, with regards to shadow and inner work, and late 2016 through 2017 with masks of illusion beginning to fall. I warned in late 2017, was also cut off point for those who didn't choose to awaken to the new world and the new reality, many people beat themselves up over this. But it is not our fault they are not ready, it was their choice to ignore and accept a brutal, cruel, criminal led, fraud laden and heinous crimes world, not ours, those who choose to ignore all those facts it could be argued, have done nothing to help themselves never mind others. Some would ask are they worth saving? But we tried all of us and they rejected it and us. As always when something profound or way outside of the box, of what is considered normal, many choose to ignore it and then rush when another date looms, not this time. We all received many calls to step or stand up, and for the vast majority of people they ignored it. Some will make excuses, well I didn't have a landline or my mobile reception is not good in this area, it was not that type of call people. This was the inner call, it rang out loud and clear, some rose to it, many didn't, a case of most have ears, but not all listen. Thankfully a number did listen and began the work they were tasked to do, most quietly, many in the background, some up front and some on front line and active. Some have awoken, but there are many still unsure of their role or task, and yet certain people ask, why they are in that role and not them? Because you didn't hear the call or you did and wasn't sure of what to do, you never defined your own sovereignty or tasks ahead. But that is ok so don't be too hard on yourself, the key thing is some did hear and act on the call, if not, I suspect none of us would be here now. The problem in life is bundled into a number of things that are all co-related, apathy, limitation, victim/savior program, non-sovereignty and no personal responsibility, now we can reel off a range of excuses or reasonable reasons as to why those problems pervade throughout society, but the buck stops with us. There is no government executive order stating you have to be all or some of the above, unless that was sneaked into the Paris climate agreement as well. There is no bill stating we should not care for each other, a majority of society caring or actually giving a shit, will solve most of the world’s problems overnight. The bigger picture problem on this planet is the lies told to us all, but the lies stuck as people forgot to think critically or future think, and learned only to delve into the past and react to the now. But the past, present and future can all be defined as one and the same. Three planes of existence with one wave undulating through all three layers, so you can be in all three at any given time, don't ask me to explain that more, think on it. I did a piece the three awakenings, but there is another 6 or 7 that follow that, that get you in full alignment, of not only who and what you are, but also what you can become. Life is all about our emotional and mental states, one or the other being off, will set the whole of you off and unable to gain the next level of development. Emotional states is all about reaction and subsequently how we deal with those reactions. Whether that is anger, rage, envy, insecurity, over sensitivity, projection, upset, melancholy, anxiety, frustration are all emotional reactions we perceive them as external of us, but the key is recognizing it is actually, an internal aspect of us. Someone makes you angry and you rage back at them, is often a common trait to undertake, it feels better some say. Whilst that can be the case is some minor cases, where you have allowed yourself to hold it all in and harbor that frustration and then just let it all blurb out. But most of the time anger and rage is because you haven't mastered your own emotional state. This is where the 45-55 comes into view, being 45 calm and 55 angry is a manageable range, as it doesn't take much to recalibrate. All out ranting, face going red, frothing out of the side of the mouth increases your blood pressure, heart rate and sends the body spiraling out of control and sync. No one ever won an argument by ranting in peoples face, it is a loss of control and you will get picked off by someone in control of themselves. If you did win by ranting, you have only achieved that by brute force, threatening and bullying behavior. That is not winning an argument, that is losing self-control and mastery and also a loss of respect. In overview you won nothing, but lost much. One of the biggest issues within this framework is low self-worth, which leads to insecurity, indecision, non-trust of the self and other people. It then turns many aspects of their life into envy and comparison and competitive mindsets with all those around them, which is the most destructive aspect of how and why, we struggle to interact with each other. So where does it all start? well sometimes it is a spillover of family traits of our ancestors, that has bled through into this one, but often it is your relationship to your parents and siblings, that generate most poor emotional states. For some in this lifetime, it has been, or is your role to correct the ills of your own bloodline, some will have recognized that, many will not, but correcting the bloodlines of their own family, has been the role of many in this time period. To start anew, we have to cleanse and more importantly heal the past. Families have histories of generational sexual abuse, or alcohol and drug abuse, aggressive behavior patterns, violence, divorces which spill over into successive generations from one or both sides of the family, it may have been your role in this lifetime to correct that. Comparative mindset starts young, comparing yourself to your siblings and peers, comparison in the pursuit of curiosity can be a healthy learning tool, the pervasiveness of this throughout society though, suggests it is far more damaging than most realize. There is barely a single object or interaction that we haven't fine-tuned our brains into making comparisons towards others, and the most damaging aspect is, it is within your own circle, be it family, partners or friends. If you are always comparing yourself to what others have done and feel bad about yourself that you haven't achieved that, which then leads to envy, how are you ever going to recognize your own contribution to society and more importantly your own value and development? One person in my life has a plethora of certificates, awards, degrees and achievements, but is riddled with insecurity, lower self-worth, that, that the person always feels they have never done enough, because their siblings did this that or the other. That applies in most families, the sibling rivalry. But that person had achieved so much in life themselves, which should be a sense of pride, but because of low self-worth and self-imposed comparative mindset, where they always have to feel, they have to prove themselves. This then leads to a type of self-harming behavior, self-sabotage where they perpetuate their own narrative of I'm not good enough or as good as someone else. Where to be recognized they go off the path in a deliberate move, which garners discontent or reaction from those around them, which that person is waiting for, to then feel bad about themselves again. This is a rollercoaster of emotional and mental instability, of which, that wheel can be very difficult to get off. Victim and Victimhood are very damaging to the self and others. From overview the behavior is bizarre, but it can be difficult to raise those types of people, once they get into a lifetime rut. That they are never as good as someone else, the wheel just keeps spinning and interactions becomes much more frequent. First off they have to recognize it within and of themselves, to then begin the process of the self-healing. It is not an overnight process, it is not an easy process either, it takes hard work, but if that person can spend so much time lowering their own value? why not spend as much time lifting their own value? The Mental aspect can be the cause and the consequence of emotional instability, but they also work together in a constant battle, in essence this is your left and right brain, which I will get into later. Emotional instability can erode the mental aspect with constant battling within and of the self, leads to apathy, lack of will, lack of fortitude, lack of integrity and a complete dereliction of who you are. This leads to another wheel of self-perpetuating behavior as well, because you are no longer you. You have become a mirror version of yourself, a projection, a mask, of how you wish to be, but because you lack the will and fortitude to master yourself, you have become a shadow being or multiple shadows depending on the environment and mindset you keep. Integrating those shadows is key to mastering that instability, it is not about erasing the shadow but integrating it within you. That mirror version you falsely project is how you wish to be seen, why not work hard and become that version you falsely project as you, but currently isn't? Yet often is the case in victimhood mode, they are actually that person and yet don't see it in themselves. The energy people expend to become and act in alignment with the false shadow of you, again can be harnessed to become the real you. So it is not like it takes that much more life force energy to correct it, you are wasting more energy portraying the false you. The mental and emotional issues of trust, is a big thing for many, even when just applying it to the alt media. I have lost count of how many questions I have answered or sometimes not, of is this person or group good Thomas? Often the questioner states their own doubts within the question, if you are asking me that question, you already know that person or groups is not 100% for you, why do you need me to validate it? What makes my opinion more important than your own? we are back on the wheel again with insecurity, lack of trust and low self-worth are we not? Discernment is the word often used and many struggle with, in most cases it is not discernment that is the issue, it is a lack of self-trust. Those who master self-trust just know that answer before the question is posed, how? why? you may ask, because the frequency within it changes. It's like a mini alarm bell that goes off, it is called intuition, which we all have, yet so few will use it. Many will come up with all kinds of bizarre excuses to themselves, to justify themselves not listening, well it was just a coincidence or Deja vu or it was the mandella effect, no, it was you, the real you. Like I said earlier people have ears but don't always listen, to others or more importantly themselves. Again from an overview it is bizarre behavior, you are given a heads up from a brief interaction of your higher self and you ignore it? It's no wonder for the many, the higher selves haven't been switched on fully, because most of us are profligate about not using it, it's like a muscle, use it or lose it. When I say higher self, it is used as a term of reference, in essence there is no higher self, it is just you. The higher self as you call it, is the heart/soul center, which is within you, not outside of you. If there was a higher self per se, where is the lower self? The key to it all is healing the past and the present, to allow yourselves to have a better future and remember you may not just be healing your own past, but also your bloodline as well. But healing requires hard work on your part, no one or thing can fix this for you, only you can heal the you, people can guide you towards the path, but only you can walk it. In the midst of all of this personal and emotional instability, lies the you, the you in essence is the Russian dolls. You started off with one and created copies, none of which is the original. There lies the you that has achieved far more than you all give yourselves credit for, the classic example is I am just a house wife who looks after the children, erm you created a living being, is that not an achievement in and of itself? You often hear oh I'm just a joiner, a painter or a wage clerk, without realizing what they are saying or putting across. So, you can only do joinery? is that who a being, that is the crown of creation should describe themselves? just a joiner indeed! The limitation of the self-program runs deep in many, defining ourselves by our current job, many of which most of us don't like doing? Well if you don't like your job, do something you do like? But I'm just a joiner, like that is going to appeal to a person potentially hiring you? All that is required is a bit of thought and application to change your situation, you can in a lot of cases do much more than you ever imagined. But it all requires the mastery of the emotional and mental state, without these being individually corrected, your path to merging them into one becomes limited. Controlling emotions and mental states closes down the noise that reverberates through our minds and energy centers, all that noise is much of what you created, to drown out the part of you that says, I need you to address this. Suddenly you are then presented with an opportunity to address it by what many think is some random event, it's not. It’s the inner you is screaming fix this trauma or emotional issue, and another vessel hears it and puts it and you into the arena, to see if you will play or will you run. The best formula apart from meditation which can be done to gentle musical rhythms or not, with eyes closed or open, once you have mastered the memory code of that frequency zone. The greatest thing is to do what you were created for, being creative, it is this version of humanities greatest gift, we are better at it than any other species. Yet so often we neglect it, buying instead of fixing, getting others to do things when with a little patience(oops I said the patience word, cue teeth gritting by several members and perseverance. We can do that ourselves, values in life of being creative have plummeted on a monetary scale, and that is a deliberate ploy by the system, to erode another of our abilities. Arts and crafts rendered to a level of struggling existence jobs, music also except for the few that sell their soul for the illusion that is fame. So the people with creative abilities end up serving burgers at McDonalds to get by, rather than displaying their natural talents. Let’s get into a myth of separation we re-enforce ourselves with word spells, left and right brain thinking. This is duality and divide and conquer again, when they are best combined into one thinking process, this then puts an end to the dueling between the two hemispheres and duality, and brings in the harmonic aspect of you, the triality. The two hemispheres like the two eyes only give you half of the picture, that is being within the forest, but how do you know it is a forest or a wooded area whilst inside of it? You don’t, you just assume. When the two hemispheres work together not duel, in comes the third aspect, the third eye if you like that sees through both eyes, and has an overview aspect to it as well, this is really seeing things from a whole different perspective, not only on this plane of existence but others as well. Once those three aspects are mastered and combined like a trinity, it then creates a cord connection to fire up to the heart center of thinking, it is a heightened version of the mental and emotional states of consciousness. In comes empathy, deeper understanding, wisdom, higher intuition, a broader spectrum of the senses of the five and beyond. Your understanding of life and you goes into a whole new realm, the downloads become more frequent, who and what you are, your purpose in life becomes more defined, everything becomes more fine-tuned as you are no longer a nest of dolls, you are your own Neo. Spirit inner and your spirit outer becomes more defined in what you wish to do, no longer operating almost as a separate entity, you and it become one. Then when your abilities kicks in, not only the world is open to you, but the Universe and for the higher mastery again, the Multiverse and the Universal Tree. We need technology to travel amongst the stars? when you really master you, you will become to understand how ridiculous that statement is. Currently, most people are stuck in the astral layer of travel, which although cleared in some aspects, it is not all as I understand it, portals and wormholes are often the realms of travelling in the astral. Outside of astral does not always require the use of such technology, mastery of the self and your own consciousness allows you to travel instantaneously via the cord, your memory code kicks in and your destination awaits you. All must try to not use the term astral travelling, like that is the only place to go, it's not, there are far more jewels and magical creations to travel to than just astral. Astral travel is going into the dark beasties realm, so be careful about using that terminology, word magic and contract are all so important. Often we are naive in what we say or mean, so no more I'll see you in the astral later please, you won’t see me there unless direct actions are being taken, which is far less now than previous. All this beauty and wonder, magical journey's and abilities, meeting places and beings you thought were only in your imagination, or in your dreams. Well, you cannot imagine something that doesn't exist, somewhere not in the vastness of space, because that reality of vastness is another limitation program, all designed to propagate the little you persona, that exists what your visions have shown you. A word of caution awaits those that reach these levels, it will be a massive test of your ego, because thinking and acting god like, destroying all and sundry because you can, lording over others because you can, will cause you to fall, just like the allegory of the biblical angels fell. You are not god, you became a higher evolved being, higher evolved beings should not display a lack of responsibility and play dick swinging contests. You have worked so hard to become that higher evolved being, but that does not, and never will make you the god, because that is source the creator of everything, of which we are all a part of. In essence we are the creators also, all coalesced in a massive dance within the spark of creativity, as you become as one within yourself and your own divine connection to source. We have to learn to focus on the self, not act like judge and jury for all other people and yet neglecting our own role in life and society. The finger pointing away game did not work for anyone, the solution is you finger point it at yourself more often. So, to recap do you still want to keep your limitation, dualistic, self-loathing, self-lying astral projecting suit? or do you want to expand into your own source connection and blood code? It is starts with you, one simple decision changes your whole life and timeline, which is seen as a small leap for you, but a giant leap for mankind. As another starts the journey to their ultimate destiny, once that decision is made, then starts the healing. It is all about the healing of your trauma and your bloodline traumas, to give you and your future generations a rebirth and new growth opportunity. Do you wish to float amongst the stars or walk through the treacle of 3D life weighed down by your own lack of self-worth? or become the highest evolved version of you, in many millennia’s. Do you wish to loop around the mobius or reach the number of completion, the figure 9. Is it a 6 or 9 when combined? or is it both one and the same from all perspectives, as above so below. During the lovemaking act which is the male and which is the female? it matters not from high above as it all becomes the one, divine male and female were not designed to be separate, that is more duality nonsense. Before, long in the past, they were one, because if you draw a 6 and a 9 together, and look from above it becomes technically 0 but more importantly the shape of an egg, the home of the ultimate rebirth and the creation of new life. The zero shape and the egg from the overview is how it all began in the beginning, out of nothing/zero, came the cosmic egg and the birth of all that ever was. The journey of it all starts and ends with you. And all you had to do was? Follow your heart, it is that simple.

THI Show