This piece was written around 4 years ago and we have decided to revisit that series of pieces done back then. What is life, What is coming together, what is value, what is human and this piece what is love. All of which in the time between these two pieces will tell you where you have developed and where you have not. One of the members at that time asked me what is love? do we really know? again like last week and the recent pieces have we defined it? An emotion that is far too casually used in words, memes and throw away lines these days. It is one of the reasons I am not overly enamored with Xmas or birthday cards, sweet poems, sugary based lines all mass produced and none of those words came from the heart of the person giving the card. Those are not your words written on that card, it was written by marketing strategy-based groups, all designed to sell, but love is not something to sell or buy, it is not a bloody marketing tool. The definition of what is love and the descriptions of it today, really goes nowhere near the real meaning of it and is often dictated now in a society that has lost its way, with a majority of people who don't care beyond their own bubble world. By bubble world I mean those within their own circle, and even in their own circle there is bitchiness, comparative and competitive mindsets, envy and a desire to have to be better than the next person. We have all done it and that has to change, if real love is to be garnered. I am pleased to see many of our members stepping away from that bubble, but their world is riddled with it. Love is a higher vibrational frequency, how can many give or experience it, with low vibrational frequencies and energies? they can't, so they fake it, many will not like that statement, but on a frequency level it is true. If everyone is so loving, why is the world in such a mess? clearly as a collective we are not. You have loads of people who don't even love themselves, because they are comparing their looks, life, belongings and achievements with other people. If people don't love themselves, which means they don't have that frequency contained within them, how can you put out the same frequency to someone else, that you don't have for yourself? as within so without, ponder on that for a second. The issue is you can't, but you can fake it, you can say it a thousand times a day and believe it, but love is not words, words can lie, words are spells, actions even can be staged or faked, but frequencies don't. You can’t really love others, if the self doesn't love itself. It becomes a projection of love, a false image like the mirror, an archetype of what it means, not real love, and society needs to learn that for future development as a species, we are not here to compete, but grow as a collective. I love my partner or husband or wife because he buys me things or they give me what I want, again at the base level that is not love, love can't be bought, no matter how many cars, homes or apparel is bought, you can never buy a frequency, like heaven it is a state of being. If money bought love, why are all the elites miserable looking bastards? Why are many of the elites all cavorting with several different partners? is that love? Love has become distorted by lust and sex, but just having sex with someone does not make it love, sex is meant to be a pleasure act, which many do alone, with one partner or several partners before they find love, or so they think. Only for many to find once the novelty of the sexual act wears off, their desire to be with that person is not the same, and so many seek affairs for various reasons some of which are valid, some of which are not, the latter being the higher category. We have seen the rise of people loving the same sex particularly the last 3- 5 decades, but is that based on the sex act or real love? or is it role play? which many couples do in their own bedroom to spice things up, but there is a contradiction in loving the same sex partner? Where the man dresses in female clothes, female dresses in male clothes, if lesbians love each other as same sex partners, why does one play the role of the man? isn't that defeating the object of loving the same sex? This kind of supports the fact that, the world is messed up and very confused psychologically and emotionally and that is why defining love has become all so difficult. I am not against same sex partners, I don't have a say in the matter and neither should anyone else for that matter, that is their sovereign choice who they choose to be with. It is nobody else's business really, but life is dictated now by people interfering in other people’s lives and choices. Partners, married or not are seen as object of desire, something to show off to their friends, one group will ask how much he earns, the other will ask is she good in bed. For the males they are then asked do you love her? then comes the awkward moment if the male says yes to his mates, it generally follows along the lines of don't be stupid, are you going soft on us? why don't you sleep around a bit. It is the peer pressure applied and have you noticed how peer pressure is often wrong for us? All designed that way, you see. The female who brings her partner to her circle, but when asked what does he earn or do for a living? they either lie or fudge the answer. Because if they turn around and say he does menial work or worse he is out of work, oh the frowns, the puzzled looks, twitching nose and the awkward shifts and the eyes diverted away reaction, is what that person receives in return. You could cut the atmosphere with a knife, come on you all know in both genders that is what happens, you have seen it or done it, either way it is damaging and not that is not conducive to letting love flow is it? Love is a weakness they say, particularly in male circles, but actually it is a strength and another 180 example. I will tell you what is a weakness, relationships with a controlling factor, a relationship with one partner controlling the other is not based on love, but weak individuals exerting what they think is strength and dominance over the other, but is actually showing their own weakness inside. Real love does not have a controlling factor to it, it is like a frequency, which is a wave motion, you ride the crest and the fall in the same way, which means to be flexible and it is give and take. Anyone in a controlling relationship is not based on love, controlling is not love, they see you as a threat to their perceived dominance and so control you. So, what is love? essentially it is un-definable or not easily describable and that is because this world has been tipped into much darkness, negative thought forms, controlling natures, comparative and competitive mindsets, mixed with the showing off the trophy aspect, based upon looks, physique or the size of the covered-up parts. It has become largely lost in desires, lust and the fear of being alone, the latter of which keeps many in varying degrees of toxic relationships. That is the base level of it, the higher level one could say is where we really lost it, too few have real connection to Source. That is often faked also based on the religious construct of what it is supposed to be, that construct is so far removed from connection to Source, it is beyond comprehension. That disconnect done by various means including our own, is all too similar to the loss of real love here. Both are a frequency, similar in nature and experience, a longing, a remembrance long in the past, it is in essence, a feeling, a memory and an experience all rolled in one blissful moment, collecting that and bottling it, then bringing it back into this 3D existence and accepting it like a memory code, then describes better of what is love. In essence love is a state of being, a higher based frequency. Many people can love, but being in love is different, something lost in this manufactured world of marketing, false idols, masks and a perception of what love, life or human is, not a knowing. You can love many people, you can desire to have sex with many people, but that does not equate to loving someone or being in love, as many of you all have found out. There is a clear distinction between all three, people often don't define what it is they really want, love, sex or to be in the love frequency, three very separate actions all too often blurred into the one, distorted on a massive scale. Some females go out and expose all kinds of flesh, with the desire to get men or women to look at them, but if the average bloke takes more than a glancing look, some react to it badly and exude of volume of cuss words, venom and demeaning terms. As an over view observer, it is sending mixed messages is it not? on the one hand for your vanity, attention and self-confidence you want them to look, but if they do so and you don't approve of the person looking, it is not acceptable. Yet if it was Brad Pitt or Leonardo Decaprio or Chris Hemsworth depending on your choice that is acceptable, well actually it's not. Like most situations in life we send a plethora of mixed messages and rarely define what we want or what we are looking for, it is that lack of real understanding as much as communication, that creates so much division between us all. As some awaken to the higher forms of awakening and the memory of those frequencies start to return, the soul family frequencies, the soul partner frequencies of the past begin to stir up within you. You will find you may be attracted to people you have never met in the physical, under normal circumstances in the physical that is desire, a longing to be connected to something or someone, but this is different. It is not necessarily the person that is desired, but the frequency that person emits from a long time in the past, an enduring memory of the all-encompassing frequency, that is love. But the common misconception in life is to find that love frequency, that it must come from the external connection, but like everything else it comes from within, the mastery of the self and the sword, makes that connection all so much easier. To become love in its true form, one must have inner trust of the self, one must learn in love must not be controlled, it has to flow to create the real magic it brings. It doesn’t flow because of the lack of work on the self, with no trust of the self the river of love stops, the dams become the damned. Some say love, it is a river, that drowns the tender reed Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger an endless aching need I say love, it is a flower and you, its only seed. Time to plant the seeds is it not? It's the heart, afraid of breaking that never learns to dance, spiral or otherwise. It's the dream, afraid of waking that never takes the chance It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give And the soul, afraid of dying that never learns to live. You cannot live life not knowing or embracing love, it is the architecture of Source, the creator and love spark. It is the all or it’s the emptiness, the void or vacuum of dull space that contains no light, because without love, there is no shine. What has become clear in these articles over the last few shows is, we are not very good at defining matters, what is and what isn't, without that ability or realization to define things, how can you possibly use your innate abilities and manifest a better way, path or love? Do you know what you are asking for? throwaway statements like I want a better life, is not a definition, it's just a statement, you have not defined what that better life entails? or what is human? or what is love? Learn to define, then throw in your imagination, which brings in manifest and not magic, but your own inherent abilities that changes your "timeline" and subsequently your life. Again it is all in the words, the word fine originally around 1200's meant a termination, end of and so death, de is to move away from, so to define things you are moving away from the end and a new beginning. What happens next? like I mentioned earlier a common saying on this show, ok so you are going to do this, fine or is it define, but what happens next? Is love to be or not to be? Becomes the question and the answer. In the absence of love, fear reigns. We end with an extra powerful piece of what it means to be and embrace love and be loving in return, plus how to go about life and with people in general. It will teach us from a non-judgmental state of being and will provide a deeper perspective of you, love and life. It will spiral dance with an echo from the distant past, an inner knowing and the deeper meaning and connections to it. For I will greet this day with love in my heart. For this is the greatest secret of success in all ventures. Muscle can split a shield and even destroy life, but only the unseen power of love can open the hearts of people and until I master this art, I will remain no more than a peddler in the marketplace of life. I will make love my greatest weapon and none on whom I call, can defend against its force. My reasoning they may counter; my speech they may distrust; my apparel they may disapprove; my face they may reject; and even my bargains may cause them suspicion; yet my love will melt all hearts, likened to the sun whose rays soften the coldest clay. I will greet this day with love in my heart. How will I do this? Henceforth will I look on all things with love and I will be born again. I will love the sun for it warms my bones; yet I will love the rain for it cleanses my spirit. I will love the light for it shows me the way; yet I will love the darkness for it shows me the stars. I will welcome happiness for it enlarges my heart; yet I will endure sadness for it opens my soul. I will acknowledge rewards for they are my due; yet I will welcome obstacles for they are my challenge. I will greet this day with love in my heart. How will I speak? I will laud mine enemies and they will become friends; I will encourage my friends and they will become brothers and sisters. Always will I dig for reasons to applaud; never will I scratch for excuses to gossip. When I am tempted to criticize I will bite on my tongue; when I am moved to praise I will shout from the rooftops. Is it not so, that birds, the wind, the sea and all nature speaks with the music of praise for their creator? Music of the spheres. Cannot I speak with the same music to the children? Henceforth will I remember this secret and it will change my life. I will greet this day with love in my heart. How will I act? I will love all manners of people for each has qualities to be admired, even though they be hidden. With love I will tear down the wall of suspicion and hate, which they have built round their hearts and in its place, will I build bridges so that my love may enter their souls. I will love the ambitious for they can inspire me; I will love the failures for they can teach me. I will love the kings and queens for they are but human; I will love the meek for they are divine. I will love the rich for they are yet lonely; I will love the poor for they are so many. I will love the young for the faith they hold; I will love the old for the wisdom they share. I will love the beautiful for their eyes of sadness; I will love the ugly for their souls of peace. I will greet this day with love in my heart. But how will I react to the actions of others? With love. For just as love is my weapon to open the hearts of people, love is also my shield to repulse the arrows of hate and the spears of anger. Adversity and discouragement will beat against my new shield and become as the softest of rains. My shield will protect me in the marketplace and sustain me when I am alone. It will uplift me in moments of despair yet it will calm me in time of exultation. It will become stronger and more protective with use until one day I will cast it aside and walk unencumbered among all manners of people and when I do, my name will be raised high on the pyramid of life. I will greet this day with love in my heart. How will I confront each whom I meet? In only one way, in silence and to myself, I will address him or her and say I love you. Though spoken in silence these words will shine in my eyes, unwrinkle my brow, bring a smile to my lips and echo in my voice; and his or her heart will be opened. I will greet this day with love in my heart. And most of all I will love myself. For when I do I will zealously inspect all things which enter my body, my mind, my soul and my heart. Never will I overindulge the requests of my flesh, rather I will cherish my body with cleanliness and moderation. Never will I allow my mind to be attracted to evil and despair, rather I will uplift it with the knowledge and wisdom of the ages. Never will I allow my soul to become complacent and satisfied, rather I will feed it with meditation and prayer. Never will I allow my heart to become small and bitter, rather I will share it and it will grow and warm the earth. I will greet this day with love in my heart. Henceforth will I love all humankind. From this moment all hate is let from my veins for I have no time to hate, only time to love. From this moment I take the first step required to become a man among men. If I have no other qualities I can succeed with love alone. Without it I will fail, though I possess all the knowledge and skills of the world. I will greet this day with love and I will succeed.

THI Show