What is real and what is illusion? Have we defined it? Have we understood it’s role within our lives? What is real or reality? Has reality been harsh to us, like truth and fear? What is your experience of it? What is illusion? Why has it become all so encompassing and seductive? What damage has been done embracing it? What has been your experience of it? These are all deep questions this piece will begin to unravel, as we march towards the convergence and the event horizon of a personal nature, for those who are ready. What is life, as we found out was not too well defined or understood, as we neglected to take in what was around us. Instead we immersed ourselves deeper into a pit, yet was rarely seen by those within it. Why is that? Because we neglected everything including ourselves. We have two eyes that don’ t see what was within us or what was in front of or around us. All of which led us to blind faith, which is an illusion and we neglected the true faith which should not have required the Santies to remind us. Blind faith leads us to worship and frittering energy away to anger management external gods, who sit on or in a cloud passing judgement upon us. In overview the concept is mind boggling, yet billions followed that path and neglected their own connection to Source. Then we also have ears that don’t listen to our all-powerful inner voice or the few who stand for the truth. We often close ourselves off from the narrative as it is deemed too painful to hear, but who decided that was a good thing to do? Does that not suggest a lack of caring on behalf of the self, that the pain and suffering of others is ok, as long as it doesn’t puncture your own illusion bubble? Has that served us well? Nope. You see being told about information means, it becomes your problem to face, deal with and act. Yet have we not done everything to avoid that type of interaction? First they came for the Jews, but not being a Jew I ignored it and then they came eventually for my label or bubble and there was no one left to help, aid or save me. Why? Because we ignored all the problems and if we continue to ignore the problems, the problems persist and we cannot provide solutions. That is not facing reality and preferring the so-called easier path of illusion, except it is not easier is it? The easier path is fixing it and evading the illusion. I said in one show, there is no single entity, corporation or authority that operates on behalf of we the people. Many people will think that is absurd, because many people live for the illusion of protection. In reality land, we the people, have nothing and get nothing, certainly that is positive anyway. So, how and why have we gone this far thinking the illusion of life, love, society and governance is all fine and dandy? Because too few can see it and even fewer will do anything to correct. The dark give us what we ask for, but we never asked for anything valid, so we got given meagre rations and rank stupidity, in overview that becomes indicative. The illusion is all so seductive though, were we think we are doing well, we think we are being protected, think we are safe, in reality land we are not in all three categories. The illusion government is there to serve and protect us. (M) The illusion the church and whatever god is there to save us. (M) The illusion that school is there to educate us. (M) The illusion that banks are there to protect our money. (M) The illusion that social services are there to protect children and the elderly. (M) The illusion that doctors and nurses are there to make us better. (M) The illusion that pills, potions and creams will make us better. (M) The illusion that humanity was founded upon one book. (M) The illusion that the police are there to serve and protect us. (M) The illusion that the military are there to serve and protect us. (M) The illusion that we are the only intelligent species in the universe. (M) The illusion that charities are for the goodwill of the people. (M) The illusion that the media is telling the truth. (M) I could go on listing many more examples, but you get the drift, all of it an illusion. The illusions like the mirror needs to be shattered and reality needs to bite back. Life is but a dream they say, but it’s an illusionary version, like happiness another song says. Happiness is just an illusion, filled with sadness and confusion. Reality is often in the eye of the beholder, yet too many with eyes that don’t see, it becomes the illusion. The line often repeated in these shows of there is no new technology, perhaps resonates more now with you all than back then. Many think they are developing the Metaverse world, but in reality they already have it. There is where the I am comes in, I am me and only me, the copy is the 2D illusion game. I am taken and stand in my own sovereignty, I am my own identity. This is the whole idea behind ID2020, the year people would start to see. They decided they would create a new identity for us, one of which they can stay in control of. Those not wishing to participate, retain their own identity and cannot be controlled anymore by these parasitic dark forces. The copy of the copy can be seen as twinning in overview, a merging of the one which is organic, into the second version which is inorganic. All of which confirms the separation of the overlay wave in Picture A of the When two worlds becomes three extended version. Because if that loop was not “cut” and the wave lines where not separating, why would the dark forces be trying to overlay us again on a personal level, into organic and inorganic worlds? Could it not be looked at with different eyes now, when you put all the shows just mentioned together? Merging organic with inorganic, merging non-corporal entities with corporal, merging uploaded consciousness into another vessel, a vessel hosting an avatar. All of which reveals the one becoming the two, which means it is twinning. A co-joining of the separate into the one in essence, you split the one, make the two like a cell, merge or blur the two into the one, where the one becomes disoriented and not realizing which is which anymore. A cell is also a prison room remember. Life is but a Petri dish to clowns and their lunatic scientists. If we can’t win, lets cheat, whether that is financially, scientifically, technologically or cosmologically. All a mask of what is reality. One of the biggest illusions of life is science, astronomy and math. We are conditioned to look at the sky as a 2D object, which then does not allow for expansion or depth, which are key to 3 or higher D understanding. The flower of life is a prime example, actually it is the lotus of life, it is a 2D overlay imprinted on your brain and psyche, but where is the depth? Have we forgotten we are in 3D? In 2D or even 3D you look at the sun, in higher dimensions you look not at, but through the sun. Because after all it is a portal. But we have been mind-trained to look at things in the sky in 2D only, where is the depth? Because when you apply the depth or 3D to it, then you can really see. You are then seeing what you actually see, not a meme-ory mind view point provided to you by the system of control. I asked in a show some time back, does Australia exist? And most 2d thinkers will say of course it does, it has been in pictures, it is on the telly, been in movies and books and it is a valid response. But they are all 2D presentations are they not? So you assume it exists, but without the experience of it, it is not your full truth, only an assumption of it. So, in overview it becomes a statistical possibility or potential probability only. Logic is the same, a person comes into the house with wet hair, you assume it is raining outside and so that becomes your truth. But what if the person just washed their hair or someone threw a bucket of water over the person? They are possibilities, but statistically people will say it is raining outside. But logic applies only assumptions not based upon facts. So, until the fact is derived, you accept the illusion based on mathematical probability. But math is flawed, ask Johns Hopkins, they applied decimal with a number that has no value, the zero. Zero is not a number, 1-9 numbers are the value and so with zeroes in the equation, math becomes flawed, an illusion. But if the application of deciding whether Australia exists or not and what they present it as, as being the directive for coming to the truth, please explain the belief in god? Please explain all the mythological creatures? Please explain the mirage above a hot road? Please explain why the railway lines all come to a point? Please explain why the moon appears to be closer to us? Do they exist? Or is that what they have told you exists? But what other people have told you is, their truth or opinion, but it is not yours is it? Like the maps, clearly they have overlaid us with their Go -ogle map, well, you can ogle at it all you like, but that is not our version is it? What that means is, your view, understanding and perception of the world and everything, is formed by something or someone else. All created by 2d images, I-mages, mirror magic and supposition. A book, picture or movie are all 2D images that we have accepted as our reality in a supposed 3D world. Assumption like logic, is not fact, it is the pre-disposed positions of other people. Predispose means putting someone in a frame of mind to be willing to do or accept something. Pre means before, then dispose, so before they dispose of you, they get you in a frame of mind, to then be willing or accept your fate. You do realize that? but will you use your real eyes and come to the same conclusion, is that they have been imposing upon us a 2D world and reality. The ultimate in mind memes, the perfect form of subtle devolution, all done by accepting their views and opinions of your world. In essence they have manufactured and overlaid the world how they wish you to see it, what is worse is, we went along with it. If a picture paints a thousand words, nobody asks who is the painter? I said sometime back this planet is all about shrinking everything into smaller and smaller units. Smaller people, animals, trees, fruits, eyesight, brains, frequencies, heart, feelings, emotions and all to make people believe and stay in the mind. The great question is; who was minding your mind? The planet of devolution not evolution is what has unfolded, let’s make man in our image? Plus, is it the case of let’s make man believe in our image, that we present to them? The 2D world mind meme is another of their overlay worlds and a devolution program. Now can you see? What do you see? What did you not see? The latter is the main thing. You can’t see the forest for the trees, except in the Petrified Forest, there is no trees, because there is no forest. But everyone who visits there believes it is a forest, but that is their 2D mind meme overlay world perspective, because in 3D and your world, there is no forest. They are creating a movie for you, almost like the Westworld series, an image of the fake reality they wish for you to not only see, but believe in it as well. But it is not real is it? Everything is backwards, everything is upside down applies here, everything stated or produced as external when it is internal, like the blame game it is all pointing away from us. But that is not correcting the issues is it? The solution then can only be, to go within. A song says time keeps on ticking into the future, not no more it is not, it is ticking into the past. Is not time an illusion? How can it speed up or slow down by perception, when it is a straight continuous line or line-ar? Who controls the pace of time? In other words who decided the speed of it? Did you ask? How can time speed up or slow down if it is an illusion? It can’t, but you created it, so you are determining it. Why does time get lost when you are happy or on vacation? Yet slow down when you are sad or working in a non-stimulating job? Where did the time go people ask? How would I know, as you created it. You do realize, you created time and then filled it with the illusion and it works against you. If time works against you, why have you adapted to it? Life is but a dream they say, except it wasn’t pleasant was it? More like a nightmare. The real dream is what you create and manifest for the future. What happens if your dream becomes your reality? Will you freak out at the strangeness of it all, ask how did that happen? Or embrace it? Recognize your own power and influence upon life? Go forward and then create new dreams, new realities and new experiences? What are you going to create and manifest? The new age love and light program, everyone dancing merrily singing Kumbaya, was said to be the change, but it wasn’t. More people going to church was said to be the answer, but it hasn’t. More people being educated was said to improve intelligence, but it hasn’t. Agriculture will feed us all, but it hasn’t. Technology will make our lives easier, it most emphatically hasn’t. Doctors, clinics and hospitals providing us with medication that will all make us better, what an illusion that has been. You thought that by capitalizing your name on forms is you, but it is not you is it? It is a dead fictional person, yet we fell for the illusion. You go into a court and state your name and you think you are representing you, but you are not you at all. Just an incompetent fictional copy. You thought that by registering your home, car, motorbike, dog and even baby, because it all belongs to you, it doesn’t, you signed it all over to the state. America is the home of the free, it might be for immigrants, until they are registered, then they fall into the same category as all the rest, the illusion of free or freedom. All examples of falling for the illusion. The statements made to me of, there are lots of nice people, lots of caring and sharing people, lots of loving people, but there clearly isn’t otherwise the world would be a better place. Myself and this show has always been about reality, what is real and pointing out the illusions of life. I said the very first show, I will tell you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear. Now that said back then and even now, was radio show host suicide, but the sheer levels of bs within the CIA based Alt Media left me exasperated and the realization of, these people are not that much more awake than the bot like masses. Alt Media the illusion, THI is reality. THI is not an Alt Media show, it is a reality show, with no sensationalism, no false promises or dates. It is a working and teaching group that blames all for the mess this planet is currently in. It teaches empowerment, personal responsibility, soul development, knowledge, wisdom and so much more. It is the only show that provides solutions, all of which sadly in my opinion, makes it unique. It is not everyone’s cup of tea per se, because not everyone wants to step away from the illusion. Recently I was asked to comment again on another Life Force episode, filled with bad guys being eliminated for the umpteenth time on that show and we also now have thousands of angels flying around our skies saving us. Why would I need to pass comment on that or them? They do what they do best, keep the illusion going. Not my or our fault they chose that path, they do what they do, because illusion sells more than hard work and being our own savior. We lead, the rest follow or stitch, copy and paste. Like I have often said is, I have not ruined anything, I just shattered your own illusions. Some may not agree with that, going no, you ruined everything, who me? Is the reply. I wasn’t the one who believed in the illusion of it all, you did. And people wonder why everyone is sick? Mentally or physically, because you fell for the ill-usion of it all. The greatest illusion of all is, you have no power, turn it in, you are the power, you always were. Yet life revolves around fear and scarcity, but they are both illusions also. Fear of something, is something that hasn’t happened yet, is it not the case that, that is manifesting a future of poor events and happenstances? and yet everyone loves it. Scarcity? There is none, only a lack of sharing. How can anything be scarce on a replenishing planet? We are running out of resources? Re-source, like researching tells you, you are the Source and connected to Source and that the search is within. But you accepted the externalization of everything, when everything you needed was within. So, it is really all about what are you creating? What are you manifesting? How much effort and energy have you applied to that process? How much energy are you wasting not fulfilling that process? Which is more beneficial? What if the Blueprint was not for this world, but another one? What if you emerged on that world tomorrow, what have you created for yourself? What is your reality then? Who will build, create and manifest then? What is your external world? What is your internal world? Which is the most beneficial to you? What world have or will you create? Did you or have you thought about that? Do you still think someone is going to do it all for you? Did that work in the past? No? then change it and you. The mind is the prison and subsequently the illusion, because you thought you controlled it, no it controls you. The heart cannot be controlled because it is the connection to Source, it is the reality of life, the spark of creation. Will you embrace and integrate with it?