The awakening begins when you are birthed here, as many came in with the extra knowledge, yet for whatever reason did not go on to developing it. So we will start with childhood. Childhood is the period in life when others chart your life for you, parents are there to protect, develop and save you, but that is rarely fulfilled on the higher development path. Teachers corral you into learning stuff not much of which has any real value. Adults are charting your path because you are just a child, wrong thinking. Adulthood is the period in life when you chart your own course, you protect, save, pay for and determine your own path with your rules and conditions, not by parents or teachers. Which is it to be? what is your path? In age terms you are an adult, but are you living an adult based life structure? It matters not which age you are, if you are allowing others to chart your life and path, you will always stay in the childhood section of life. If you are unwilling to learn anything beyond what you were taught in school or college, you will remain in a child's level of development. Being frightened of making your own choices, having little to no trust of others, but more importantly yourself, frightened of change and riddled in fear, begging for the system to look after and save you. These people are not adults, they are children who have never had the courage to develop, mired in savior programs and stuck in a cycle of fear and insecurity. Which one are you? The key is to put that practice to work and gain mastery, it always disturbs me that they called the doctors work center a practice, a practice is for the non-learned is it not, all in the words. We are all still learning, that is called progression, the old learning ways was stagnation, it was designed that way. If you stagnate on linear time, you go backwards, on vertical time you stand still, most people currently operate on linear time, but like the see saw analogy the key is to climb or rise, not stagnate. Humanity are facing their very own D Day and their version of the Dunkirk landing, were we come out of the sea, having been declared dead at sea under the maritime law. The sea with all its fury surrounded by a mist of fog, so no one could even see the beach, never mind landing on it. That fog or is it the mist of time? is now clearing rapidly for many and the beach is in sight and in reach. Once you have achieved that and are now out of the sea and away from all the sloshing about of the waves, endlessly tossing and turning, frothing at the beach edge, undecided whether to land or go back into the sea of illusion with the masses, you will run a new gauntlet up the beach, will you avoid that by putting your head in the sand and subsequently be washed out to sea again? Or plough forward regardless, but running up the steep and hazardous beach with people firing at you, not with guns or bombs, but with words, lies and projections thrown at you, all designed to pull you back into the swirling frothing mass of the sea. Once at the top of the beach or the fulcrum, you then have another test. Do you sail down the other side and join the hidden hand of darkness in the pit? or do you become the non-hidden hand and reach out and pull others out of the sea of discontent? Some will say you can't reach the people from the top of the beach, I will say not on your own you can't, but if you use your imagination, you will join hands with others on the beach and form a chain to reach your goal. Whether you are on the land or the sea, we are creating a new blueprint of what it means to be human, all other attempts failed, because they repeated the same process. When the we becomes the I on the internal, and the I becomes the we on the external, the path of the sword is forged. We all fell for the sickness - that is why the word is called ILL usion, because we all became sick on it. There are two and maybe even three types of awakening, the first hurdle of awakening has happened to all who listen to this show, otherwise you wouldn't be here. First awakening is accepting the narratives we have been told on many subjects that pervades through our lives and lifestyles, were all based on lies, halftruths and spell magic. The lowest form of awakening is politics and realizing all that is a scam and illusion on the people. Politicians are not even on the map of the control system, neither were we. The illiterate for this century will not be those who can't read or write, it will be those who cannot unlearn the lies. The first can be and is in many cases the most painful, when you learn schools, doctors, judges, police, governments are all operating against us, not for us, a harsh and sobering reality is garnered over time as to the sheer depth of it, and that type of awakening is still ongoing. You will only learn a fraction of what is and has gone on, on this planet in this lifetime, so don't be too hard on yourselves for not knowing everything, or feel too stupid for missing the obvious, the signs, symbols and words were all there to see, yet many couldn't and many still don't. How and why is that? programming is the pure and simple answer. We were programmed from childhood to believe in narrow fields of knowledge and consciousness. For many of you going back 10 years ago, the idea that vaccines are bs, some famous people are different sexes than they portray, some people are not what you thought, due to body doubles, clones or other beings. The idea that governments would poison us with chemtrails, fluoride, GMO's, big pharma, psychedelics drugs, medical experts are not what you thought either. Everyone is spying on us, false flags etc all seems a world away from your knowledge base now. It's been some journey of expanding your mind and thinking and yet you have achieved it. Yet so few of you recognize your own development on that level, instead of admiring how far you have come, too many focus on what they don't know, glass half full or half empty. It is beyond extraordinary what we have all achieved in just a decade and many of you are in a stage we would call the later stages of your life. Decades and decades of programming, wiped out in under a decade from you and yet do you ever stop and look in the mirror and say, wow what an achievement I have done with my life? People have no idea how difficult unlearning the lies is and unhooking from the programs, I was fortunate or destined I never bought into the mind control programs, but too many did. Those that did are either on the slide down the letter N, described in the Empowerment show or now on the right-hand path. Despite not engaging most of the programming, even I have still been on a journey of discovery of how deep the lies go, will that rabbit hole end? No! there are too many of them. Rabbit hole is another mind meme trap, a trap set for predators who lurk in the hole. As the song says, don’t go chasing white rabbits. The key is to observe from a distance not go down holes, which are portals and you never know whether you are going to escape. Those rabbit holes have layer upon layer, that goes way deeper and further than you all imagined. THI from my point of view, has given you a glimpse closer to the bigger picture than many of the other shows. Some of my information relayed is not new, but the connecting of the dots between the shows is in many ways. We have all learned from each other, but the connecting of the dots, which is the key to begin to understanding what is and has gone on here is, packaged in a way all levels of learning can feel they can get some sort of grip on it, that is the essence of THI, tying things together. As the story book style must listen to shows proves, it is the only way disclosure can be delivered, those shows are spanning 8-9 years and yet there is still way more to learn and understand. The next stage after the unlearning the lies and determining the truth is, what happens next? What are you going to do with that knowledge? Store it all up or use the knowledge to determine a better path, future and deeper understanding of life. Or will you provide solutions to yours and our future? Awakening two is recognizing you are not just a meat suit; you are also spirit and soul. This in and of itself can be a difficult concept to absorb, more so for the religious fraternity. As everything about that program is about being outside of yourself, when the focus needs to be what's on the inside. The vessel is not you, you are the soul and spirit contained within it. The key to this aspect is the I and we that we covered in the Empowerment show. On the external the I or me, myself and I as in service to self only, must become the we as in service to others. On the internal the we must become the I, as you master the two dueling hemispheres that argue incessantly and develop it into a single exchange which comes from the heart, which is the real you. During this awakening you learn dream time is not about being asleep, but actually another part of you is awake, only the suit sleeps. During this phase depending upon where your soul development has reached. Do you face the demons, all kinds of nasties chasing you, battles ensuing, traps set like an ancient Greek maze, people and things attacking you or using you as a sex object? Suggestive programming inserted into your mind and also the potential for vessel infestation, are all part of the learning curve of being in the real hologram and trap set called lower astral, the real place of hell. Much of humanity is stuck in lower astral due to lower vibrational thinking and acting patterns, everyone themselves can correct this, with a little bit of effort, the shadow and inner work is key to that. During this awakening you may also experience higher astral where the bliss, harmony and indescribable feelings of love abound, that is higher astral and it is where the biblical heaven resides. Except that is a trap also, it is the guarding gate to the real higher developmental stage known as the mental planes. To reach the mental planes you have to take a leap of faith, do not apply 3D thinking to that leap of faith. Should you escape that realm then another awakening occurs, a real awakening of some magnitude, as some of your so-called junk DNA starts to switch on. No longer are battles a part of the every night scene during your dream time, suddenly you realize your own powers and you are only limited by your own imagination, at these levels the interference with you can reduce drastically. As your own abilities can now counteract their dark magic, narrow viewing and hearing fields. Your senses beyond the physical 5 get ramped up exponentially, depending upon your input into it. It is not a magic sponge, like shadow and inner work, it requires you to work on it. From moving solar systems to avoiding rock wars, rescuing beings off other worlds, transporting yourself to new worlds, in this universe and beyond. Meeting or seeing creatures you never thought possible, involved in missions to fix things here and outside, attending meetings of galactic and beyond situations. Flying above the earth to see it in its full splendor, dealing with rogue elements who have played games here a long time, maybe even finding out and visiting your original home world and much more. But the key is you find your own power and importance in the scheme of things, where you went wrong in past lives and this, how much you have brought on yourself here in this lifetime. Then once you gain that understanding the question is, how hard will you go to correct the future, not the past. But these abilities have to be used in balance and the ultimate in personal responsibility, as some of them will be retained within the vessel also, not just the spirit. More 3D earth based abilities will manifest, healing self and others, either by being with them or from an infinite distance, weather manipulation, bilocation, remote viewing are some of the examples. Too often in the past and present, people have turned themselves into the modern version of a god, I am all powerful blah blah, a true warrior never brags what he or she can do, just acts out quietly to affect the desired changes required at a given time. Sometimes when on this level of activity, some expect they will and should be active each night, that is not the case, you may go months with no recall of activity and then bang lots of it. It's called horses for courses, you will dip in when it is time only. The point is, we are all a god if we work on ourselves, we are part of source and part of all creation, god just means higher evolved being, not the lord Anu or the almighty and we all bow down to them, NO, never put anyone or anything above your own heart. That is the message of source, all-encompassing and developing, not all bow down to Draco Reptilian kings, as proposed in many of the scriptures they wrote, not what we wrote. So, if you gain your abilities and you are thinking I am a god or the Neo, you are going badly astray, that is the unbalanced ego thinking and that ultimately leads to your own downfall. Your downfall also impacts everyone else on the planet, as so few reach those abilities stage and hold onto them, that the dark forces have less to encounter. Forget about being the NEO and a person of one, the object is for as many as possible becoming Neo’s to restore the balance here and produce a supply line of higher evolved beings for the future. In reality land, the majority of people are Smiths on this planet, whether people like that analysis or not, many are not deliberately being Smiths but just going along with the plan. Just like the Q movement of trust the plan, but most never asked what was the plan did they? The same applied with trust the science, but nobody asked which science we are supposed to trust. Did they give us the details of the jabs? No! so how can you trust the science if we don’t know what the science is? But people will just copy, then become a copy of a copy and in essence a Smith. Trust the plan? But the plan was we all fail though, operating service to self and in a competitive dog eat dog world, cheating, stealing, hiding behind masks, is all being a Smith. Then you have the other ones operating in unbalanced ego thinking they are the NEO, the only one, the chosen one, that NEO is a mask hiding a Smith. The key is to teach millions to be Neo's not Neo, where we all strive for the greater good, all willing to put ourselves and lives on the line for the greater good, not just the one. The bloodless self-sacrifice spoken of in the Santies, is the path of righteousness and also redemption. That is the real hidden message within The Matrix movie, it is not about striving to be the one and the hero, it is about potentially sacrificing yourself for the benefit of the all. But remember at the end Neo merged into Smith, that was not defeating it, but recognizing we are both aspects. Two characters in the one vessel, which one do you choose? Neither you choose the triality. Same with blue and red pill, the answer is neither as A: I am not sick, so I don’t need pills and B: Where is your choice? This level of awakening can be all so magic but it comes with a warning, defend not attack, you can't just go around wiping out Draco, Mantids or Grays that is going down to their level and that will cost you your abilities. The advanced stage of dealing with certain types of entities is to transmute them, not kill them. To do that you use higher dimensional thinking and your own unlimited imagination. Using your power over others for your own ends, again will cost you your abilities, why? because you are misusing it for the self. When it is about service by, for and to others at that level, to teach the others to gain a higher evolutionary path, not elevate yourself above and at the expense of others and become the new god. It requires the highest forms of discipline, reactionary moves is not conducive to higher evolution, thinking in the now and the future is, for the benefit, for as many of the all as possible. To try to help, teach and save as many of the all as possible, to try and progress for the many of the all as possible, me, myself and I have to be cast aside for the we and the us. That is the challenge every being faces, a tough school in many ways, but the benefits are fulfilling. Should you take on the task to improve and develop yourself, remember only you can do that, nobody else can fix it for you. There is no magic pill, cheat or frequency wave that will magically develop your own soul development, that can only be done by you, only you can save you, perhaps now makes more sense, I am sincerely hoping. All 3 of these awakenings will have the effect of you losing interest in certain pastimes, changes of lifestyle and a change of scenery is generally required. One that is more conducive to the new you and yet you also may be called to go to certain places and just be or perform certain tasks within those regions. Nothing is by accident or coincidence when on that level, the inner trust of you will guide you were you need to be and do. People complain mainly of one thing though on this path, that they have lost people. Yes you have lost people because they are not on same frequency as you anymore and that is a good thing. You cannot be around lower vibrational people for too long when in this phase, it is painful being around or amongst them with their negative drama laden chatter. Observe them, but never absorb them, no matter who they are. The masses will always try to drag you back into the gutter, encourage them to rise instead of you falling for their own illusion game. Too often people speak of their loss and rarely their gains, yet you should consider this, yes you lost people, but ultimately you gained yourself. To achieve all of this, one only has to follow their heart.

THI Show